Convert Gmail™ to PDF (locally) - Chrome Web Store
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Convert Gmail™ to PDF (locally)


35 Bewertungen

ErweiterungLernen10.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Konvertieren Sie Ihre E-Mails in das PDF-Format im Offline-Modus (ohne Server-Interaktion), um Ihre E-Mails zu sichern

This extension adds two new buttons to your Gmail interface. One orange PDF button and one blue PDF button. The orange button can be used to generate distraction-free PDF documents and the blue one generates a normal PDF document. Notes: 1. The orange button is called "simple" mode of operation. In this mode, your emails are reformated and all the images, lines, and any other distracting elements are removed from the document before PDF file is generated. This is useful to generate PDF for fast reading. 2. The blue button is called "normal" mode of operation. In this mode, the "window.print" function is called and the generated document is the standard format. 3. This extension does NOT send your documents to an external server for conversion as this violates user's privacy. The extension uses a local JavaScript library called jsPDF for all its conversions. 4. By default, no image is attached to your document if the "simple" mode is selected so that there would be no image fetching from remote servers. For more info please visit: To report bugs please visit: Change Log: version 0.1.5 1. You can now customize the filename 2. There are options to hide both or either print and simple mode buttons 3. The extension now embeds a few popular fonts to the PDF document so it will look better in the simple mode. version 0.1.7 1. It is now possible to use managed storage to control settings 2. Font detection algorithm is improved

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    1. Juli 2024
  • Angeboten von
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    12 Sprachen
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