Context Menu Search のアイテムロゴ画像

Context Menu Search

812 件の評価

拡張機能ツール100,000 ユーザー
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット


Use the right-click menu to search for selected text in different search engines

This extension can be used to search for selected text using the context menu. Different search engines can be added according to the user's wish to the right-click menu. The search results are shown in a new tab which can either be a focussed tab or a background tab depending on the options set by the user. The location of the newly opened tab can also be set by the user to be either next to the current tab or the last tab. The order of the search engines in the right-click menu can also be arranged. A list of 40 commonly used search engines has been added so that users can choose easily. If needed, the user can also add an option which has not been included. You need at least Chrome version 88 to install and use this extension. If you like the extension, please don't forget to rate it 5-star (preferably!). In case of any issues/suggestions, leave a comment at the support and FAQ link provided below. Known issues: -------------------- 1. Sometimes, the extension icon reverts back from the magnifying glass to default Chrome extension icon. Disabling and enabling the extension again should bring it back. This is perhaps an issue with chrome.contextMenus.removeAll() method. 2. Favicons for search engines cannot be displayed in context menu currently as the contextMenus API does not allow it. 3. Taking settings from omnibar search configuration is not possible. Change-log: ---------------- 2.99: Added support for selectively not encoding search terms, fixed some bugs 2.98: Fixed some bugs, added support for opening multiple search results on clicking an option 2.97: Added support for separators, fixed some bugs and styling issues 2.96: Fixed a bug due to which context menu items were not working, some styling changes 2.94: Manifest v3 migration, changed way to store data and removed FB like button 2.93: Removed ./ in manifest to avoid chromium bug : 2.92: Fixed the delete item button. Added new FB share/like button. 2.91: Fixed content security violations. Removed tweet option due to direct script loading. 2.90: Changed to use manifest version 2. 2.82: Drag and drop to rearrange options. 2.80: Minor code changes, Option for Google+ search added. 2.72: Bug fixed: Chrome restart no longer needed to apply settings. 2.7: Users can now use either 'TESTSEARCH' or '%s' to denote search terms. Context menu icon changed. Minor CSS changes. 2.6: CSS problems fixed on options page. Option for Cuil Search removed and options for Yahoo! Japan, Reddit(Google search) and Google Definitions added.'Facebook Like' button added. 2.5: Users can choose to have the link to options page displayed at the end of the context menu. Export/Import search engines' list feature is provided to facilitate saving of configuration. Options page redesigned for easy use. Added Baidu and Rotten Tomatoes. 2.0: Added options for the user to choose if the search results show in a background or foreground tab. They can also pick whether the new tab opens next to the current tab or at the end. A list of 35 search engines has been added as options for the user to add. 1.5: The order of the search options can now be re-arranged. 1.0: Users can now add as many search engines to the right click menu as they want. An existing option can now be disabled or deleted if not required. 0.9: Added the ability for enabling/disabling particular search engines. Users can also customize which search engines they want and what the name of the search engine in the list should be. 0.5: Added Bing images to default pack

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    このデベロッパーは取引業者として申告していません。EU 加盟国の消費者とこのデベロッパーとの間に締結された契約には、消費者の権利が適用されません。




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Product research tool for third-party Amazon sellers that estimates FBA fees, margin, ROI, and details about Variations.

Trufflepiggy - Context Search


The context search for all of us: quick, easy & fully customizable. Perfect for translations, price comparisons, image searches,…

Tactical Arbitrage - Popular Products


Easily check which product variations are selling well by analyzing color and size data from product reviews.

Selection Search


Search for the selected text in search engines



The most efficient way to use your favourite search engines. Search selected text, use customizable hotkeys and much more.

Context Menu Search


Search for selected text or image URL using the context menu

All in one web searcher


Search anything on the internet easily by typing into ONE unified search box

Custom Right-Click Menu


Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.

Simple = Select + Search



ContextSearch web-ext


Add search engines easily and search from the context menu and convenient popup



Your personal menu !

How Many?


The free version of this extension only works on amazon pages with the offer-listings in the url. You must be on that type of page…



Product research tool for third-party Amazon sellers that estimates FBA fees, margin, ROI, and details about Variations.

Trufflepiggy - Context Search


The context search for all of us: quick, easy & fully customizable. Perfect for translations, price comparisons, image searches,…

Tactical Arbitrage - Popular Products


Easily check which product variations are selling well by analyzing color and size data from product reviews.

Selection Search


Search for the selected text in search engines



The most efficient way to use your favourite search engines. Search selected text, use customizable hotkeys and much more.

Context Menu Search


Search for selected text or image URL using the context menu

All in one web searcher


Search anything on the internet easily by typing into ONE unified search box

Custom Right-Click Menu


Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.

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