Color Blind Test - Chrome Web Store
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Color Blind Test

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Color Blind Test.

Our free online color blindness test can help you identify if you have color vision deficiency. Learn about types, treatment and more. Once you install the addon, you can easily access it from the browser's toolbar and complete the tests in just a few minutes. The results are displayed immediately, giving you information about the condition and identifying the type of color blindness, if present. The best part about using a color blind test Chrome addon is that it provides a private and comfortable environment for testing. You don't have to worry about any judgment or pressure while taking the test. It can also help you understand how color blindness might impact your daily life and make necessary adjustments, especially if you work in fields where color is crucial, such as graphic design or web development. Another great thing about these addons is that they offer educational resources and information on the science behind color vision. You can also find practical tips for accommodating color blindness in your everyday life. Overall, if you're curious about your color vision and want to check if you have color blindness, installing a color blind test Chrome addon can be a helpful tool. It's easy, accessible, and can provide valuable insights into how color affects your life. So, give it a try and see what you discover!

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    30 Mei 2023
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    26 bahasa
  • Developer
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


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