Co-Win Slot Finder
8 rating
Co-Win Slot Finder helps to find available vaccination center based on preference
Co-Win Slot Finder uses CoWin public API to search and filter all possible and available vaccination centers based on your location preference where slots available without logging into the cowin portal. Features: 1. Based on your State, District, Age Group, Dose and Vaccine choice, user can set their preference. 2. Clicking on the alert icon, once a slot is available, it will popup a notification in the screen. 3. Clicking on the Center name, it will open a google map from where user can locate the vaccination center. N.B. This extension only give a list for available vaccination centers, this doesn't guarantee slot booking. Releases: 0.1.3 Added notification sound. 0.1.5 Added preference based on the Dose number and preferred vaccine. Improved UI
4,1 dari 58 rating
Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan. Pelajari lebih lanjut hasil dan ulasan.
- Versi0.1.6
- Diupdate18 Mei 2021
- Ditawarkan olehSoumyarup Banik
- Ukuran1.7MiB
- BahasaEnglish
- Developer
itsmylfie.srb@gmail.com - Non-pedagangDeveloper ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.
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