Prezentare generală
Easily create a free site, blog or online store. No technical skills required. Hosting included.
Weebly gives millions of people a surprisingly easy and affordable way to create a site that is as unique as they are. With a Weebly site, people can start their own business, communicate with their clients, showcase their achievements, and be an authority on personal and professional interests. Weebly gives everyone the freedom to start a site, blog or online store that works brilliantly across computers, phones and tablets. Offering a range of pricing options including a free plan and premium plans starting at $4/month, Weebly has everything you need to plan, build, publish and grow a site that meets your goals. Key Features: * Powerful Site Creator * 100+ Professional Themes * Powerful Cloud Hosting Included * Fast & Helpful Support * Integrated Domain Registration * Easy Blogging * Beautiful Photo Galleries & Slideshows * Video & Audio Players * Easy Form Builder * ImagePerfect Image Editor * Detailed Traffic Stats * Free Domain Hosting * No Forced Advertising * Search Engine Optimized * E-commerce Features * Automatic Mobile Site Creation * Password-protected Pages * Full HTML/CSS Control
4,3 din 5828 de evaluări
Google nu verifică recenziile. Află mai multe despre rezultate și recenzii.
- Versiune1.0.5
- Data ultimei actualizări6 iunie 2013
- Dimensiune169KiB
- LimbiEnglish
- Dezvoltator
- Non-comerciantDezvoltatorul nu s-a identificat drept comerciant. Pentru consumatorii din Uniunea Europeană, reține că este posibil ca drepturile consumatorilor să nu se aplice contractelor încheiate între tine și acest dezvoltator.
Pentru ajutor în legătură cu întrebări, sugestii sau probleme, accesează site-ul de asistență al dezvoltatorului