Cloud MindMap のアイテムロゴ画像

Cloud MindMap

27 件の評価

3,000 ユーザー
アイテム メディアの 1 スクリーンショット


The Mind mapping tool that enables you to create and edit mind maps. You can open and save a mindmap file with your Google Drive.

The Mind mapping tool that enables you to create and edit mind maps. It allows you to create an unlimited amount of mind maps that quickly can be made clear and aesthetically pleasing. By creating a mind map, filling it with key topics and subtopics you can easily outline the most complex ideas. If you're planning a project, need to organize your thoughts or simply looking for a way to visualize an idea then this is the application for you. This mind map is an HTML5 based mind mapping app. It lets you create neat looking mind maps in the browser. Provides connect with Google Drive. You can open and save a mindmap file with your Google Drive. Supports Chrome, IE 10+, Firefox, Safari..

5 点満点で 3.627 件の評価

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  • 言語
    English (United States)
  • デベロッパー
  • 非取引業者
    このデベロッパーは取引業者として申告していません。EU 加盟国の消費者とこのデベロッパーとの間に締結された契約には、消費者の権利が適用されません。


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