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Tumblr Tag


56 ratings

ExtensionSocial Networking1,000 users

36 support issues

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Madds K

Mar 23, 2023

new blogs

please please please edit this so it works for new tumblr blogs. it used to work on my old blog that still has the legacy editor, but my new blogs dont have legacy :( i would love for this to work in the future since this was such a great extension

Serra Wilson

Feb 18, 2023

The new post editor

Are there any plans to make this compatible with the new post editor? This would be really handy to use with polls, but those are only on the new editor, not the legacy.


Feb 12, 2023

Update for new post editor?

I absolutely adore your extension. It makes everything so much easier when posting on fandom blogs. I was really sad when I saw it doesn't work on the new post setup/editor. Is there any plan to update it for that? It's okay if no, as long as they keep the legacy editor working I'm happy to keep using that so I can use your extension. Thank you for all your hard work!


Feb 11, 2023


hi, is there a way to make like subcategories or folders ?
for example i woud like a folder named "actors" and when i click on it all the tags for different actors would appear and i'd just have to click on it?

Corin Peacock

Jun 24, 2022

Firefox add-on

Hi, is there any chance you could make this available as a Firefox add-on? I'm on the verge of changing over but can't find a Firefox version of this extension and I honestly don't think I could use Tumblr without it now. It's just so useful!!

Daniel Snazel

Mar 6, 2022


Does this extension work on the beta post interface? I can't get it to pop up.


Dec 9, 2020

Only 6 topics?

Why am I limited to only 6 topics?

Vanessa Bertin

Jun 16, 2020

Tag won't work from main page on desktop

I'm trying to tag posts when I reblog from the main page on desktop. Is there a fix on my end that I would need to do or is this a glitch in the latest update of the code?

Angi Shy

May 30, 2020

Tumblr Tag for Opera browser!

This is rather a message for those who want this extension for Opera browser: download "chrome extension" extension for Opera, then instal this Tumblr Tag extension to make it work in Opera, works for me! :)

Mason McKay

May 19, 2020

only 29 lists

i love the extension but i can only save 29 lists of tags. if i create a new one it simply does not save it. any fixes?

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