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Clock for Google Chrome™

1K ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning100,000 users

212 support issues

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Andy O'Neall

Feb 5, 2024

Refresh issue

Hey great Extension! It only misses the refresh feature even though the Brave browser is left open not closed. You would think that if it was closed it would more likely have this problem. So this requires me to goin to "Extension manager" and manually restart the clock to get it to load the correct time to the browser bar icon. This kind if defeats the purpose. . Sorry I just don't need that. The Windows clock is on the task bar. I would like it also on the browser bar.
Thanks for the great start. Keep up the good work.

Jean Claude Verhofstadt

Mar 7, 2023

Clock for Google Chrome

the new vefsion still doesn't work, it's even worse than before

Daniel Naud

Mar 2, 2023

Clock freezes when multiple tabs open

The clock freezes when I open multiple tabs.
Closing tabs does'nt do anything once the clock is blocked.
What can I do?

Enrique Blanc

Feb 5, 2023

Time freeze

Times freezes at time and the only way to get over it is to click on it. not really sure why it does it. but it's been happening lately. Too many windows open..?

can you make it refresh clock every x amount of time?


Oct 2, 2022

Paused time

Sometimes the clock will become frozen at a particular time. I can 'update' the time by clicking the clock, but at a glance it does seem to get stuck! any advice?

Bartłomiej Górak

Aug 30, 2022

Extension with the date.

As above it'd be nice to have a similar extension where i can have today's date in the bar or implement some option to have date in the bar in this extension.

Homayoun Shahri

Aug 3, 2022

The clock widget does not update on regular intervals

When I click on the icon (widget) it displays everything correctly, but the widget itself is usually 2 minutes behind. It updates the time every two minutes or (on chromebooks). I was wondering if it were possible for the widget to update the time more regularly.

Richard Pope

May 6, 2022

The clock in my toolbar is stagnant. I have to click it and expand it to show the current time.

Hi friend. Thanks for the awesome design! Recently it hasn't been keeping time, however, and is stuck at whatever the last time I clicked on it and expanded it. Should I uninstall and reinstall or something?

Cheers, Richard.

Rosica Delibozova

May 6, 2022


Не работи опцията за чуване на звука при настройката. Чувам го чак когато дойде напомнянето, но до тогава не знам на практика какъв звук съм избрала. Ползвам го много години и преди работеше тази опция. Отстраних го от Хром и пак го качих, но няма разлика.

Ashvin Goel

Apr 28, 2022

Time doesn't update unless clicked

As described by other users, the digital clock that I use doesn't update unless clicked, making the extension mostly useless.

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