QR Hook Password Manager
5 valutazioni
QR Hook lets you hook into your browser and access your web accounts seamlessly from your mobile phone.
The QR Hook Password Manager extension seamlessly connects with the QR Hook Password Manager mobile app, allowing you to easily and conveniently login to your online accounts. The browser extension displays a QR Hook that you scan with your mobile app to make a secure connection. Once connected to the browser extension, you can remote control your browser and auto-login to your online accounts using your mobile phone. Please take a look at our YouTube video for further details about how this system works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhiac4SsXOQ Get QR Hook Password Manager for your Android phone here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qrhook.qrhook For support contact support@qrhook.com
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- Versione0.1.9
- Ultimo aggiornamento:15 maggio 2016
- Elemento offerto daQR Hook
- Dimensioni168KiB
- LingueEnglish
- Sviluppatore
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