Better Image Scaling: изображение логотипа

Better Image Scaling


12 оценок

РасширениеИскусство и дизайн653 пользователя
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Improves the image scaling of Chrome, providing crisper and clearer resized images on pages.

Better Image Scaling is a simple extension that aims to improve the image scaling of Chrome, by applying the "webkit-optimize-contrast" value (from the "image-rendering" CSS property) to all images on a given page, via a content script. However, the difference isn't always noticeable: it depends on the content and the size of the image itself. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it isn't. Also note: it doesn't make any difference for images that aren't resized by the browser, and there are even cases in which it doesn't seems to do anything for resized images either. Moreover, as the CSS property optimizes for contrast, there's a downside to it: depending on the image and its size, it will look "serrated", like it's lacking anti-aliasing. Changelog: 0.1 • Initial version

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    13 октября 2017 г.
  • Автор:
  • Размер
  • Языки
  • Не продавец
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