Logobild des Artikels für V4 IndexAble Checker

V4 IndexAble Checker


5 Bewertungen

ErweiterungEntwicklertools101 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot


Instant Check of an URL's indexability. Shows Meta Robots, Canonical, X-Robots and robots.txt for instant bug fixing.

V4 IndexAble Checker easily displays a website's indexability by checking its meta robots tag, canonical link and x-robots tag. Depending on this information the color of its browser bar icon will change: 1. If V4 IndexAble Checker's icon is green, then the canonical tag is identical to the URL you are seeing in our browser and there is no "noindex" robots attribute set in the head of its source code 2. If V4 IndexAble Checker's icon is red, then either the canonical tag is not identical to the URL you are seeing in our browser or there is a "noindex" robots attribute set in the head of its source code or a x-robots tag in its HTML header. For further information click the extension icon. A pop-up opens showing the contents of the meta robots tag, canonical link and x-robots tag as well as the domains robots.txt for instant bug analysis fixing.

5 von 55 Bewertungen

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    17. Oktober 2024
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    V4 Visions GmbH
    Mathilde-Herz-Weg 14 Köln 50827 DE
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