6 Bewertungen
This is the mBlock companion App needed to communicate with the robots in Chromebooks. Usage: - Install the Chrome App - Open…
This is the mBlock companion App needed to communicate with the robots in Chromebooks. Usage: - Install the Chrome App - Open http://editor.makeblock.com/ide.html to use mBlock Note: - Due to technical issues, only USB Cable connection is supported. You CANNOT connect your robot through 2.4G or Bluetooth. mBlock is a graphical programming software based on Scratch 2.0 for STEM education. It not only allows you to create interactive stories, games, animations and more fun projects, but also offers a simple way to code with Makeblock robots and other Arduino based hardware. Furthermore, mBlock equips with FREE on-line manuals and courses, optional textbooks and teaching materials to educators and students for basic-to-advanced programming learning.
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- Version1.0.3
- Aktualisiert20. Juli 2017
- Angeboten vonMakeblock Co., Ltd.
- Größe559KiB
- SprachenEnglish
- Entwickler
developer@makeblock.cc - Kein HändlerDieser Entwickler hat sich nicht als Händler deklariert. Für Verbraucher in der Europäischen Union gelten die Verbraucherrechte nicht für Verträge, die zwischen dir und diesem Entwickler geschlossen werden.
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