24 support issues
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Karine Binet
Oct 17, 2023
thème + import image
en plus du thème j'ajoutais une image de fond, celle-ci a disparu et impossible de la remettre... comment faire merci
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Mar 27, 2019
Couleur police onglets
Depuis des années j'utilise votre thème avec plaisir. Pour une raison que j'ignore depuis aujourd'hui la couleur des polices sur les onglets inactif est devenue noire au lieu de blanc. Du coups, avec le gris foncé en couleur de fond, on ne voit plus rien.
Est-il possible de repasser au blanc ?
Merci par avance
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Dec 18, 2018
Not compatible with newest Chrome
The colors no longer work on the newest Chrome. The unfocused Tab font color is simply not suitable and overall the background could be lighter as this dark color hides site icons.
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Jesús Carmona Rodríguez
Aug 17, 2018
Los íconos de maximizar, minimizar y cerrar NO se ven.
Los íconos de maximizar, minimizar y cerrar NO se ven.
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Decisiv Cheryl
Jul 13, 2018
White Icons!
As of the latest update the icons have turned white. White doesn't provide ANY contrast with the gradient. I hope this is a bug because it is impossible to see white icons against an off white/yellow gradient. This is my favorite theme and I've been using if for years.
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Ilana Kalnitsky
Jul 11, 2017
download fails
i try to download the theme and it fails. why?
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Niek van Rijswijk
Apr 21, 2017
Pink close buttons on upper right
Hello there,
Since the last chrome update (58.0.3029.81) your theme makes the close, minimize buttons on the upper right a darkish pink color. Instead of the normal white ones.
Could you look into this? Thank you. This is on Windows 10, build 15063.
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Maddi Taylor
Oct 15, 2016
white icons
please fix the white icons and the black address bar. i love this theme, have used it across five different laptops, and don't want to change.
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Anastasia K
Sep 19, 2016
Please fix the white icons
I've been using this theme ever since Chrome was launched and it's the best one by far. But the white icons are a pain. Please go back to a dark tone, thank you.
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Lauren Egan
Sep 3, 2016
White Icons
As of the latest update the icons have turned white. White doesn't provide enough contrast with the gradient. I hope this is a bug and is unintended. This is my favorite theme and I've been using if for years at this point.
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