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Chrome Notes


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A simple notepad extension for Google Chrome

NEW: You can now use speech to text NEW: You can now open Chrome Notes with Ctrl+Shift+X (Command+Shift+X on mac) NEW: You can now download and upload complete backups NEW: Chrome Notes adds a right click menu option to send the selected text to a new note! NEW: You can now have multiple notes! NEW: You can now customize the font size! A simple notes extension, right in your browser! Easily copy around a few words to and from different browser windows and other apps. Thank you for over 90,000 users, 100 ratings and 4.5 stars! * Ad-free * Works offline * Very small (less than 0.1mb) * Multiple notes * Download text backup Chrome Notes remembers your notes and mode, even after closing your browser or restarting your computer! Notes are stored in local storage, so nobody else will ever see them, not us, and not Google, Microsoft, or Apple. Use Chrome Notes as an extra clipboard, or to speak some text out-loud. Features: * Resizable notepad * Shortcut buttons for cut, copy, paste, and select all * Normal keyboard shortcuts work too * Save as a .txt file * Open in new window * Speak selected text out-loud * Remembers last notepad size for you next time * Store multiple notes, and quickly create, edit, share, or delete * Focus mode for distraction free writing * Adjustable font size * Right click and send selection to new note * Download and upload full backups * Speech to text (click the mic and speak to put your words on the notepad) * Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X (Command+Shift+X on mac) to open Chrome Notes is the smart, simple notepad built for you 😊 V.1.5.0 Icons from material.io/icons/ RGB Studios rgbstudios.org facebook.com/rgbstudios.org support@rgbstudios.org

4,5 z 5206 hodnocení

Google recenze neověřuje. Další informace o výsledcích a recenzích


  • Verze
  • Aktualizováno
    25. dubna 2024
  • Velikost
  • Jazyky
  • Vývojář
  • Neobchodnický subjekt
    Tento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.

Ochrana soukromí

Vývojář uvedl, že nebude shromažďovat ani používat vaše údaje. Další informace naleznete v zásadách ochrany soukromí vývojáře.

Vývojář deklaruje, že vaše údaje

  • Nebudou prodány třetím stranám, s výjimkou schválených případů
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány za účelem, který nesouvisí s hlavní funkci položky
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány pro potřeby určení úvěruschopnosti nebo za účelem poskytnutí půjčky





My-Notes - Put your story into notes...



A very simple notepad for Chrome with sync functionality.

Note Anywhere

3,9(1,8 tis.)

Make notes on any web page, any position.

Fast Note


Super fast note storage

Note Board - Sticky Notes App

4,8(7,8 tis.)

Note Board - Sticky Notes App

My Notes


Simple and fast note-taking.

Sticky Notes 3.8 - Super Quick & Personal

4,5(4,1 tis.)

Animated Themes, Fonts, Offline, Backup, 1-Click easiest & fastest note taking app inside browser. (See demo)

Chrome Note


A handy way to keep notes while you browse the web

Notes: Keep Sticky Thoughts in Google Drive

4,7(1 tis.)

Simple and useful notes that sync with Google Drive. Keep sticky thoughts in notes. Keep notes in Google Drive. Keep your mind calm.

Note Sidebar


Simple note sidebar which can be used to write a note, record thoughts, to-do list, meeting notes, etc.

Click&Note - Notes Vault


Click And Note - simple notepad and vault, tool for quickly saving notes, link and text on web pages



A notepad whenever you need it.



My-Notes - Put your story into notes...



A very simple notepad for Chrome with sync functionality.

Note Anywhere

3,9(1,8 tis.)

Make notes on any web page, any position.

Fast Note


Super fast note storage

Note Board - Sticky Notes App

4,8(7,8 tis.)

Note Board - Sticky Notes App

My Notes


Simple and fast note-taking.

Sticky Notes 3.8 - Super Quick & Personal

4,5(4,1 tis.)

Animated Themes, Fonts, Offline, Backup, 1-Click easiest & fastest note taking app inside browser. (See demo)

Chrome Note


A handy way to keep notes while you browse the web

Aplikace Google