Chrome Flappy Bird - Chrome веб-продавница
Слика логотипа ставке за: Chrome Flappy Bird

Chrome Flappy Bird


757 оцена

ДодатакИгре1.000.000 корисници
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана


Experience the classic Flappy Bird game offline on your Google Chrome! Enjoy free online Flappy Bird gaming on your Desktop now!

Experience the nostalgic joy of Flappy Bird, the classic side-scrolling game, right within your Google Chrome browser! Immerse yourself in the familiar gameplay of Flappy Bird as you enjoy the offline version on your desktop for free. Get ready to flap away with Chrome. Travel back in time with this iconic game, where you control the Flappy Bird with a simple click to maneuver through a series of challenging obstacles. What started as a mobile sensation has now found a new life online, allowing you to relive the addictive fun. The gameplay is easy to grasp but hard to master—just tap to make the Flappy Bird ascend while navigating it through a series of pipes. Each round challenges you to beat your previous high score, igniting the competitive spirit within. Embrace the charm and simplicity of Flappy Bird's gameplay all over again, this time through your web browser. The Flappy Bird game invites you to test your skills and determination, now with an exciting twist of a custom night farm mode. Don't miss this opportunity to play the classic game for free—immerse yourself in the world of Flappy Bird now!

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  • Ажурирано
    29. фебруар 2024.
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