Checker Plus for Google Calendar™ - Chrome Web Store
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Checker Plus for Google Calendar™

2 rb rating

EkstensiAlur Kerja & Perencanaan300.000 pengguna
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See your next events, get meeting notifications and snooze events without opening the Google Calendar page!

100 times more powerful than regular calendar extensions and with desktop and voice notifications and great reviews • Trusted developer of many extensions - more than one million satisfied users worldwide. • Lots of features, options and updates • Extensive FAQs at and personal tech support from me with very fast response • Click "Website" or visit for more info. • Extra features are available upon contributing "any" amount. • Supports Google Tasks • Supports Push Notifications • I'll add your suggestions. Improve your productivity and your business with new features like this... • Add events quickly with multiple ways... - Click on a day in the popup calendar or just type it into the quick add ex. Lunch with Mom 11am Sunday - Select the text on any page like "...dinner Aug 26th at 3:30pm..." and right click to add it automatically for that date! - Right click a webpage and add it instantly to your calendar for tomorrow or any day or time! Try it in Gmail ex. a friend emails you to play soccer tomorrow, reply to them, then right click and save it to your calendar. You can also use the popup calendar see video - Use Chrome's address bar (Omnibox) to add an event by simply typing "cal" and then tab or space and your event title with the time or date. - When viewing a Facebook event page the popup gives you the choice to add it to your calendar • Desktop notifications "like Outlook" when your event occurs that you can snooze and with optional voice notification: Add a cooking timer that yells out "take out pizza!" • Sound and voice notification: Great for the visually impaired • Supports multiple calendars and Google Apps™ (for Business or Education) and hosted • Option to run in background even when Google Chrome is closed • Popup a calendar for the month, week, agenda view when clicking on the icon or customize your own view! • Show the current date or day or time until your next event and preview details of your future ones right on the icon • Lots of options that you can customize, most are free (95%) and the rest is upon contributions of ANY amount because I've added those features by special requests • Get reminders of your contacts' birthdays and events • Drag and drop events to reschedule them in the month view • Notification of events even when there is no internet connection with offline mode • Gray out past days or highlight weekends Change log:

4,4 dari 52 rb rating

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    10 Juli 2024
  • Fitur
    Menawarkan pembelian dalam aplikasi
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    41 bahasa
  • Developer
    Jason Savard
    2088 Av. Belgrave Montréal, QC H4A 2L7 CA
    Situs Web
  • Pedagang
    Developer ini telah mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang berdasarkan definisi dari Uni Eropa.


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