ChatGPT Writer - Write mail, messages with AI - Chrome Web Store
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ChatGPT Writer - Write mail, messages with AI

1,3K beoordelingen

ExtensieWorkflow en planning700.000 gebruikers
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Write emails, messages, and more using ChatGPT AI (privacy-frendly). Works on all sites

Write emails & messages, fix grammar, improve writing, translate, and do much more in seconds with the most advanced AI. ✔️ Free to Try ✔️ Highest Quality Responses ✔️ Supports multiple AI models like GPT 4o, Claude Sonnet 3.5, Gemini 1.5 Flash, and more. ✔️ Privacy Friendly ✔️ Advanced Gmail Integration ✔️ Set Writing Tone and Response Length ✔️ Lightweight (<500kb) and Blazingly Fast ✔️ Supports All Languages ✔️ Multiple Ways to Launch With ChatGPT Writer, you can write prompts for just about anything, right on any site you're visiting! Popular Ways Our Users Are Using ChatGPT Writer: ✍️ Write Emails & Messages: Effortlessly craft the perfect message. 🔍 Grammar Fixes: Eliminate typos and grammatical errors with ease. 🔄 Rephrasing: Make your text clearer and more impactful. 💼 Tone Adjustment: Adapt the mood of your correspondence in a snap. 📝 Summarization: Turn lengthy text into concise summaries in seconds. __________________________________________________ WEBSITE: __________________________________________________ WEB APP Use our Web App on Mobile & Unsupported Browsers ___________________________________________________ MULTIPLE WAYS TO LAUNCH ON ANY WEBSITE - Launch from Extension Icon - Launch via Shortcut - Launch by Highlighting Text __________________________________________________ HOW TO USE ADVANCED GMAIL INTEGRATION ChatGPT Writer understands your email to write the perfect reply everytime. 1) Go to Gmail, open an email, and reply to it. 2) Click the ChatGPT Writer extension button in the Gmail reply box. 3) Briefly enter what you want to reply to and hit "Generate Reply" button. __________________________________________________ FAQ Which languages are supported? We support all popular languages. Simply mention the language in the text prompt. For example: "Write an email in German about an internship opportunity." What data is shared with the AI model? When writing a new email, only the user prompt is sent. When replying to an email, the previous email's text content (which can be edited to remove sensitive information) and the user prompt are sent. What is your privacy policy? We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Your data is neither used to train AI models nor sold to third parties. To safeguard your information, we employ industry-standard encryption and security measures.

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Štefan Rajský5 jul 2024


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jos ‘ai ai ai ik ben hier met?’17 mei 2024


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    15 juli 2024
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