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ChatGPT Chrome Extension


6 valutazioni

EstensioneStrumenti2.000 utenti
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Use ChatGPT via Chrome Extension.Summary generator for Coursera videos.

Coursera Summary with ChatGPT and Take Notes - Your Summary generator for Coursera courses Chrome Extension 🚀Features: ChatGPT with Coursera courses summary generator is the ultimate companion for learning through Coursera courses. It allows you to swiftly summarize courses content and generate summaries by utilizing transcribed text with timestamps, enhancing your learning efficiency. Experience the following features: ● Instant Timestamps: Click timestamp icons to easily locate the transcript of the current moment in courses videos. ● Auto-Scroll Transcripts: Enable auto-scroll to have transcripts follow along as you watch courses. ● One-Click Copy: Seamlessly copy entire automatically generated transcripts, summaries and Coursera notebooks. ● Customizable Settings: Personalize output language, ChatGPT prompts, text formats and more based on your needs. 🚀How to Use : ● Go to the Coursera website ● Select a course video that you are interested in ● Click the "Transcript & summary" button. If subtitles exist for the video, they will be shown to you. ● If you are logged into, click the View Summary with ChatGPT button to get a courses summary ● Click the "Copy" icon, then you can easily get a summary for the Coursera course video 💡 Q&A Q1: What is ChatGPT? A1: ChatGPT is an OpenAI-developed artificial intelligence chatbot based on OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series of large language models (LLMs). ChatGPT can engage in conversations, respond to user requests, write stories, debug programming code, creative writing, and much more. Q2: What is a Coursera summary? A2: A Coursera summary is an AI-written overview of the relevant content contained in any courses video on the Coursera platform. The summary provides the user with the video's overall topic and important information without the user having to watch the entire video. Q4: Do I need to create a ChatGPT/OpenAI account to use this extension? A4: Yes, you must have a ChatGPT account to generate video summaries. You can create a free account at, where you can also locate or generate your OpenAI API key. 📢Note: Coursera is a trademark of Coursera, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Coursera Summary with ChatGPT and Take Notes is an independent project and has no relationship to Coursera or Coursera, Inc.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    21 giugno 2024
  • Elemento offerto da
    Castillo Richard
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    54 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
  • Non commerciante
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  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.


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