Charset - Internetový obchod Chrome
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Due to the low frequency of use, Google Chrome removed the ability to manually set the webpage encoding after version 55. However, on some websites that are configured incorrectly, the new browser cannot accurately determine the encoding used, which causes the website to display garbled characters. Open Source Address on GitHub: v0.5.5(2020/12/9) 1. [Optimization] When the file protocol lacks permissions, do not pop up the prompt box every time, now only shown once (GitHub Issue: #23- v0.5.4(2020/7/6) 1. [Matching] Prioritize matching based on request type (GitHub Issue: #18- 2. [i18n] Supplementary extended description v0.5.3(2020/3/15) 1. [Style] Adapt to the new Edge browser v0.5.2(2019/5/12) 1. [Style] Adapt to the Dark mode theme in the new Chrome v0.5.1(2019/3/19) 1. [Fixed] Due to the fact that v0.5.0 was released with one file lost, the extension could not be installed or updated from Chrome Store. v0.5.0(2019/3/15) 1. [Refactoring] Change the encoding probe script to perform on demand 2. [Refactoring] The network request event is changed to on-demand registration and uninstalled when the extension doesn't need to work. 3. [i18n] Add translations in multiple national languages ​​and optimize page layout for some RTL languages 4. [i18n] The encoding list is optimized for each country's language, and the pinned encoding is selected in the current language. The encoding list is sorted according to the current language. 5. [New] Record and pin the three most recently used encodings 6. [New] Supports setting default encoding, which works for all pages (GitHub Issue: #8- 7. [New] Configuration Options Page 8. [style] Redesign popup popup page style v0.4.3(2019/1/5) 1. [Fixed] The problem that encoding modification failed due to Chrome 72 (maybe earlier) starting to support Network Service v0.4.2(2018/2/24) 1. [Fixed] If the site does not provide a Content-Type, we should use text/plain as the default Content-Type instead of text/html (GitHub Issue: #5- ) v0.4.1(2017/7/31) 1. [Fixed] The Content-Type of some pure JS content is application/x-javascript, which causes the matching to fail without converting the encoding (GitHub Issue: #2- ) v0.4(2017/7/1) 1. New setting option: Allow setting whether to display in the context menu (GitHub Issue: #1- ) 2. Set the default language to English (en), the browser in Chinese and English are not affected, browsers in other languages display in English by default(From Chrome Web Store) v0.3.1(2017/5/7) 1. [Fixed] The bug that the html document encoding failed to be modified under the file protocol. v0.3(2017/4/17) 1. Added support for file:// protocol local files. v0.2(2017/3/22) 1. Modify the code list loading logic. 2. The popup window displays a comment when it detects the current encoding. 3. Add a context menu. 4. Add English support. v0.1(2017/2/14) Beta Version, Supports the encodings listed in the Chrome 54 Select Encoding feature.

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Pavel Kodýtek8. 8. 2019

Vynikající a funkční řešení. Určitě doporučuji. Excellent and functional solution. I definitely recommend.

1 člověk si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná


  • Verze
  • Aktualizováno
    9. prosince 2020
  • Autor
  • Velikost
  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 48
  • Vývojář
  • Neobchodnický subjekt
    Tento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.

Ochrana soukromí

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  • Nebudou prodány třetím stranám, s výjimkou schválených případů
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány za účelem, který nesouvisí s hlavní funkci položky
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány pro potřeby určení úvěruschopnosti nebo za účelem poskytnutí půjčky


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