change x back to twitter extension - Chrome Web Store
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change x back to twitter extension


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how to change x logo back to bird

Restores the twitter logo/favicon to X (twitter) & restores tweet button. change twitter icon from X to the bird! The new X icon on Twitter will be replaced by the original bird icon that has been used for a long time. This will provide benefits to users who prefer the bird to the X, as well as users who prefer the original icon. This extension restores the classic Twitter logo, bringing back the nostalgia and familiarity of the original design. Free the bird. 🌟 Features Logo Restoration: The extension replaces the new X (twitter) logo with the classic one, restoring the familiar look of your Twitter interface. Favicon Restoration: Not just the logo, but the favicon (the small icon you see on the browser tab) is also replaced with the classic one. Tweet Button Restoration: Changes the "Post" button text to "Tweet," bringing back the traditional Twitter terminology. It also restores the "Retweet" button as well. Home Button Restoration: Restores the original birdhouse icon for the home button. Header Title Restoration: The extension changes the Chrome Tab's title from "X" to "Twitter," maintaining the consistent appearance of the platform. Tweet Text Restoration: Changes instances where "Post" or "Repost" text is shown to "Tweet" / "Retweet". Seamless Integration: The extension works smoothly and does not disrupt your Twitter browsing experience. 📝 How It Works Locates the Logo: The extension identifies the X (twitter) logo by targeting the SVG path of the logo. Replaces the Logo: Once the logo is identified, it is replaced with the classic Twitter logo. The same process is repeated for the favicon. Tweet Button Restoration: Changes the "Post" button text to "Tweet," bringing back the traditional Twitter terminology. It also restores the "Retweet" button as well. Changes Header Title: The extension changes the Chrome Tab's title from "X" to "Twitter," maintaining the consistent appearance of the platform.

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