Change Google Calendar Background
Genel bakış
Customize The Background Of Google Calendar.
The "Change Google Calendar Background" extension is a Chrome extension that allows users to customize the background of their Google Calendar. With this extension, users can personalize the appearance of their Google Calendar by setting their preferred background image. ### Key Features: 1. **Background Image Customization**: Users can input the URL of a new background image via the extension's popup UI. 2. **Save Functionality**: After inputting the URL of the new background image, users can click the save button to apply the specified background image to their Google Calendar. ### How to Use: 1. Click on the extension icon to open the popup UI. 2. In the popup UI, input the URL of the new background image. 3. Click the save button to save user background image. 4. Click active button to apply the changes. ### Notes: - Ensure that the URL provided for the background image is valid. Invalid URLs will not result in any changes. By using this extension, users can personalize their Google Calendar and tailor it to their preferences with custom background images.
5 üzerinden 43 puan
Yorumlar Google tarafından doğrulanmaz. Sonuçlar ve yorumlar hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.
- Sürüm1.0.7
- Güncellenme tarihi:4 Şubat 2025
- Boyut52.6KiB
- Diller54 dil
- GeliştiriciWeb sitesi
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