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Drive Slideshow


25 ratings

Art & Design4,000 users

8 support issues

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Ashley Wintermyer

Apr 7, 2023

app blocked

somehow google blocked the app from accessing my account, dont know how to fix

Richard Tyszka

Jan 16, 2021


I have been using your app for a long time and by mistake deleted permisions for access to google drive account. On reinstalling your app google wont allow access. Please help, I love your app but it wont work.....

Stephanie Williams

Aug 5, 2016

General Improvements that would make this app Rock.

The ability to select and deselect files, and select individual photos.

The ability to pause, go back and skip photos.

The ability to remove photos from a slideshow.

The ability to pre-select and save slideshows.

A translucent tip jar for y'all in one corner that lights up when you scroll over it.

Erik Verberne

Jan 10, 2016

Settings (duration, order, folder)

As long as you can't change important settings (duration, order, folder) this app is just wallpaper and of no use to me


Cuauhtemoc Goitia

Sep 23, 2015

Showing a Given Folder

If you wish to show a give folder, create a google account for that purpose. Share the folder you wish for the slideshow in the original account with the new account. Then log into Chrome with the new account. If you know of a way to change the speed of the show , please post it.


Aug 5, 2015

Android !

Great app for Chrome OS!! Please make the same for the Android. Thank you!

Audrey Colwell

Jul 29, 2015

Choose folder of pictures in Drive!

I agree with those who posted previously... I need this to allow me to choose which folder to create the slideshow with Thanks! :)

John Hughes

Jul 13, 2015


Is there any way to adjust the duration of the photos

Google apps