Item logo image for CSS Used

CSS Used

186 ratings

ExtensionDeveloper Tools60,000 users

25 support issues

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Nour Qutub

Apr 30, 2022

worked perfectly only once then stopped working at all

used it once and it worked perfectly then stopped working (no longer can see the CSSUsed tab) anymore. Uninstalled and reinstalled the extension yet still the same issue :( .

Chris Wasshuber

May 8, 2021

Doesn't find any styles except for h1 tag

The tool does not identify any of the styles used, except the one for the h1 tag, on many of the pages I have tried it. Here is one example

Karl Penzhorn

Mar 29, 2021


Not sure how to debug this.

content.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at Object.normRuleNodeToText (content.js:1)
at content.js:1
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.keyFramNodeToText (content.js:1)
at content.js:1
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at content.js:1
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at content.js:1

Colby Curtis

Mar 15, 2021

does not pull styles from all style sheets on page

When using the tool it was great at pulling the styles from one stylesheet hosted on the same server, but we had an additional stylesheet on the page that was hosted on our CDN and it did not extract any styles from there.

Kristi Stewart

Mar 8, 2021

dynamic css generation?

is there a way to use this plugin to generate a new css file programmatically? My MVC project has one large css file and I want it to look at the page that is being requested and only pull in the css that is necessary for that page.

Jordi Salvat i Alabart

Aug 20, 2020

Bug: "top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right:0;" is extracted as "inset: 0"

Which only works in a few browsers.

Julian Peters

Aug 17, 2020

UTF Charakter

In German the "Umlaute" are not displayed correctly when importing into Code Pen. Meaning instead of "ä", "ü", "ö" etc. only a "?" appears. Is there a way to fix this?

Josef Laštovička

Jul 1, 2020

My CSS secction does not appear in the F12 menu/inspect

My CSS secction does not appear in the F12 menu/inspect

AFC Chris

Jun 27, 2020


Background and Media request not functioning 100% using extracted CSS

Leirol RR

Jun 24, 2020

Can't see the optio

After installed and close Chrome and even uninstall and installed back. But can't see the tab with option "Used CSS"

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