Imatge del logotip de l'element per a C/C++ DevTools Support (DWARF)

C/C++ DevTools Support (DWARF)

Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1

Visió general

DevTools Plugin for debugging C/C++ WebAssembly applications (using DWARF debug information). BETA version, use at your own risk.

Note: This is a BETA version of the extension and not the final product. Use it at your own risk. Please report any bug to This extension serves as an adapter between a WebAssembly app running in the browser and Chrome DevTools. It enables developers to debug C++ applications, that are exported to WebAssembly in Chrome DevTools 89+ directly. Please not that this extension is only compatible with the latest Chrome Canary and Dev version. Please make sure that your WebAssembly export is providing valid DWARF information.

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  • Versió
  • Actualitzat
    3 de maig del 2023
  • Ofert per
    Chrome DevTools Team
  • Mida
  • Idiomes
  • Desenvolupador
    Correu electrònic
  • No comerciant
    Aquest desenvolupador no s'ha identificat com a comerciant. Els consumidors de la Unió Europea han de saber que els drets dels consumidors no s'aplicaran als contractes que concertin amb aquest desenvolupador.


El desenvolupador ha comunicat que no recollirà ni utilitzarà les teves dades.

Aquest desenvolupador declara que les teves dades:

  • No es venen a tercers, fora dels casos d'ús aprovats
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen amb finalitats que no estiguin relacionades amb la funcionalitat principal de l'element.
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen per determinar la situació creditícia ni per a finalitats de préstec


ModHeader - Modify HTTP headers

3,2(1,1 k)

Modify HTTP request headers, response headers, and redirect URLs


4,9(1,1 k)

Displays all meta data and main SEO information for the best SEO

Selenium IDE


Selenium Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.

Postman Interceptor


Capture requests from any website and send them to Postman Client.

GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

4,9(78 k)

Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!


4,6(3,9 k)

Advanced Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and other colorful goodies

JSON Formatter

4,6(1,9 k)

Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.

User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

3,9(2,6 k)

Spoofs & Mimics User-Agent strings.



Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your web apps.

Similarweb - Website Traffic & SEO Checker

4,6(3,3 k)

Instant website analysis and SEO metrics at your fingertips.


4,5(2,5 k)

SEOquake is a free plugin that provides you with key SEO metrics, along with other useful tools such as SEO Audit and many others

Clear Cache

4,5(1,1 k)

Powerful, user-friendly browser data management, right from your toolbar.

ModHeader - Modify HTTP headers

3,2(1,1 k)

Modify HTTP request headers, response headers, and redirect URLs


4,9(1,1 k)

Displays all meta data and main SEO information for the best SEO

Selenium IDE


Selenium Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.

Postman Interceptor


Capture requests from any website and send them to Postman Client.

GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

4,9(78 k)

Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!


4,6(3,9 k)

Advanced Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and other colorful goodies

JSON Formatter

4,6(1,9 k)

Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.

User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

3,9(2,6 k)

Spoofs & Mimics User-Agent strings.

Aplicacions de Google