DevTools Plugin for debugging C/C++ WebAssembly applications (using DWARF debug information). BETA version, use at your own risk.
Note: This is a BETA version of the extension and not the final product. Use it at your own risk. Please report any bug to https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/entry?template=DevTools+issue This extension serves as an adapter between a WebAssembly app running in the browser and Chrome DevTools. It enables developers to debug C++ applications, that are exported to WebAssembly in Chrome DevTools 89+ directly. Please not that this extension is only compatible with the latest Chrome Canary and Dev version. Please make sure that your WebAssembly export is providing valid DWARF information.
- 版本0.2.5854.1
- 已更新2023年5月3日
- 提供者Chrome DevTools Team
- 大小10.96MiB
- 語言English
- 開發人員
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