Caret - Chrome Web Store
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1266 Bewertungen

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Professional text editing for Chrome and Chrome OS

"...easily the best code editor on the Chromebook." - AppStorm ( Caret is a graphical text editor modeled on Sublime Text, running completely offline (no Internet connection required) and capable of opening and saving files anywhere on your hard drive. The goal of Caret is to provide a missing portion of the Chrome OS developer story: serious programmer tooling without needing to install a second OS and learn Vim. Current features: - total offline support--no network connection required - tabbed editing - syntax highlighting for many languages, and lots of color themes - hackable settings files in JSON format - remembers/restores open tabs (requires Chrome 31 for full support) - open files directly from the Chrome OS file manager - Project view with folder navigation and project-specific settings files (requires Chrome 31) - Sublime-compatible keymappings, including multiple cursors and selections - Command palette/smart "go to" functionality Help documentation is available at the GitHub wiki, including a list of possible keyboard/menu commands: Looking for Git/Drive/SFTP support? Please read this note: Caret is also 100% open-source: please feel free to contribute code and file bugs via the GitHub repo (see website link on Details tab, or look in the menus for Settings > About Caret). If you like Caret, leave a review! I love reviews. WHAT'S NEW: 1.5.6 - Added Spanish translation (thanks, Damian!) 1.5.5 - Updated Ace to v1.1.9, which may fix bugs in Vim mode (I wouldn't know). Added Julia to the list of automatically supported extensions on Chrome OS. 1.5.4 - Fixed another "save cancelled bug." Added a notification whenever Caret is upgraded, so that you can see these wonderful changelogs. Enabled JSX syntax. 1.5.3 - Fixed a bug when the user cancels saving a file. Fix custom themes. Adds a "no updates" message when checking manually. 1.5.2 - Enabled AsciiDoc, Gherkin, and Tcl modes. 1.5.1 - A new minor release! This version of Caret adds the ability to define a custom theme that's synchronized between computers (theme.json). It also adds an option to disable live reload, for users who have been bothered by a "jumpy cursor" when focusing on the Caret window, and adds bugfixes for the menu/keyboard system.

4,6 von 51266 Bewertungen

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Michele Capobianco29.11.2016

Kann alles was ein Texteditor machen soll!

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
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Christine Pohlmann08.06.2016

Für HTML/CSS/JavaScript alles was man braucht, dabei komplett offline und nicht so überladen wie diverse Cloud-IDEs die ich zuerst ausprobiert hatte. (Wer es noch puristischer mag dem empfehle ich "Text".)

1 Person fand diese Rezension nicht hilfreich
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Till Schwalbe31.05.2015

Sehr praktisch. Genau das, was ein Editor sein soll.


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    21. Juni 2020
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    11 Sprachen
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