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Canvas LMS Mods (Basic)


10 ratings

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7 support issues

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Ron Bowman

Jul 24, 2024

Possible problem: Rubric drag and drop

James -
On the option to Enable Drag and drop criteria when editing a rubric, It does not work for me if enable Import criteria details when editing is not selected. If both are selected the drag and drop works.

Ron Bowman

Jul 24, 2024

Suggestion Add assignment name to the Rubric association list

James in the rubric option, the option of "Enable rubric details report on individual rubric" is nice and like the details shown. Is it possible to show the assignment name in this area instead of the identification number? Also, is it possible to create a link to that assignment in the line? I noticed in some other areas of work that you did that there are active links to the assignments that could be clicked on.
Thanks for your consideration

Ashley Hardesty

May 29, 2024

Feature Request: Indicator for Cross-Listed Courses

Hi Ski -- would love to see an indicator/icon on the Admin course listings that show when a course has been crosslisted

Ashley Hardesty

May 29, 2024

Feature Request: Add additional Rubric reporting

Hi Ski -- I'd love to see additional Rubric reporting, specifically: Teacher/Admin view of Rubric to include where each student landed on the Rubric for that specific assignment. This is something that would be used, in our case, when reviewing completed courses to see how well students did meeting the criteria.

Matt Campbell

Nov 13, 2023

University Usage

Hi! I'm a Canvas admin for the University of Florida and we are interested in potentially using this within our Canvas production environment. However, we have a series of questions that our IT security team would like to have answered before they will approve it for use. Is there a direct email that I might send a brief Qualtrics survey to? I can also be reached through official channels at Thank you!

Jeff Trondsen

Apr 20, 2023

Adding another domain

Good afternoon. Thank you so much for the extension, it's super helpful! It works fine if we go to the standard domain,, but we have a vanity URL that most people use that it's not working for. Could you add this in your next build?
Thank you very much!

Tara Kaser

Nov 1, 2022

Custom URL

Thank you for your help! The custom URL for my school is:
Your work on this extension is greatly appreciated!

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