Canvas Blocker - Fingerprint Protect - Chrome Web Store
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Canvas Blocker - Fingerprint Protect

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36 valutazioni

EstensioneStrumenti per sviluppatori30.000 utenti
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Prevent HTML canvas element from generating a unique identification key to protect user's privacy

This browser extension safeguards user privacy by preventing malicious scripts from using the HTML canvas element for user fingerprinting. It introduces slight changes to the data generated by the canvas element when specific methods are invoked, rendering it unusable for fingerprinting. In comparison to similar extensions, this one is lighter and employs a more efficient method to obstruct fingerprinting across all frame elements (top and subframes). The extension operates in three modes: 1. Random noise 2. Random noise (per page) to maintain a consistent identity within the current page session 3. Fixed noise to sustain a constant yet unique identity continuously Key Features: 1. Minimal footprint fingerprint defender 2. Ability to block or disable fingerprinting on specific hostnames 3. Notification when canvas fingerprinting is detected 4. Option to disable notification for select or all hostnames 5. Compatibility with cross-origin (CORS) and sandboxed iframes (such as Disqus and Hangouts) Notes: This extension doesn't entirely block the canvas element. Instead, it modifies two methods to prevent the JavaScript engine from creating a unique identification key from this element. What is Canvas Fingerprinting: Canvas fingerprinting is a method among several browser fingerprinting techniques used for tracking online users. It enables websites to identify and monitor visitors by leveraging the HTML5 canvas element rather than browser cookies or similar means. This technique functions by exploiting the HTML5 canvas element. When a user visits a webpage, the fingerprinting script initially writes text using the preferred font and size and adds background colors. Subsequently, the script calls the Canvas API's ToDataURL method to retrieve canvas pixel data in dataURL format, essentially a Base64 encoded representation of binary pixel data. Lastly, the script hashes the text-encoded pixel data, creating a unique fingerprint.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    2 novembre 2023
  • Elemento offerto da
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  • Non commerciante
    Questo sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.


Lo sviluppatore ha comunicato che non raccoglierà e non userà i tuoi dati.

Questo sviluppatore dichiara che i tuoi dati:

  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.


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