Item logo image for Calculator


124 ratings


10 support issues

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Brandon Horst

Apr 2, 2022

Extension Removed from Shortcuts

After the last update, the extension is no longer in the shortcut menu on Chrome with all my other extensions. It was very convenient to bring up the calculator with a button combination rather than having to click it every time. Is it possible to add back the functionality that allowed it to be activated with shortcut buttons?

Jacqui Vonderau

May 26, 2021

Calculator won't open

I downloaded the calculator so I can also use it on my desktop, but it won't launch. I have the web extension, but it disappears when I click off it.

Rose Hanchar

May 8, 2021

percentage key does not work

percentage key multiplies the number instead of reducing it.

George King

Aug 11, 2020

Location of icon

I down loaded your app, but can't find the icon to open it. It is not on the desktop or task bar. Any idea what I need to do to do to get it on the desktop?

Varun Traders

Jun 13, 2020

ESC not working

only clicking in the main chrome window closes the calculator.

Honest E

Feb 24, 2020

Needs Cursor To Appear on the Right, Not the Left

I love and use the extension often. Would be great to have the cursor appear on the right as I type, not the left. The reason this matters is when I make a mistake, I can't just backspace it until I move the cursor to the right of the equation from the left. If it's already at the right, I don't have to do that.

David DeLisle

Oct 15, 2017


Copy and Paste don't work with Chrome extension.

Chris Covington

Mar 28, 2017


a school should not block a calculator or any app unless there is actually a reason other than they felt like it

Chris Covington

Mar 28, 2017

adding extension

i cant add the extension it says that the school admin have blocked it ,
but its just a calculactor isnt it?

CF Kinzer

Feb 8, 2017


Please make this so that it can be enlarged like the Moffsoft calculator. There's also has a running tape which can be printed.

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