Bunny Hammer - Chrome веб-продавница
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Bunny Hammer

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Whack the mole - with bunnies! This game will never become boring. Get the well-known game mole hammer with bunnies and bears. Try…

Whack the mole - with bunnies! This game will never become boring. Get the well-known game mole hammer with bunnies and bears. Try to get all the bunnies and let the bear leave in silence. You can test your reaction with this app. This super easy and simple game excites every hobby gardener. Go to the mole hunt. The game requires a fast reaction to differentiate the animals. Just tab on every bunny, which comes out of the molehill. Be aware of tapping the honey bear. It is the best game against boredom in 2016. Just free your garden from the bunnies and give all you got. This game is really kids friendly and known from the fair. It contains no brutality. The game is indie development and completely free. Control: - Just Tap Social Media: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdedu-nAwMACE5WbVcmp3Bg/featured Twitter: https://twitter.com/deentertainme Thanks to all players of bunny hammer!

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    4. јануар 2016.
  • Величина
  • Језици
    39 језика
  • Програмер
  • Није трговац
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