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Broker Buster

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Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu
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Zrzut ekranu 1 multimediów dotyczących produktu
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Zrzut ekranu 3 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu


Block and report real estate agents or brokers.

Broker Buster is an extension for your browser that allows you to effortlessly, easily and quickly report spam phone calls from real estate brokers to authorities and mobile operators. To spice things up even more, the extension supports automatic blocking of unwanted messages on Whatsapp. All this is supported by a massive and continuously updated broker agents database maintained by Broker Buster. Moreover, manually add contacts to blacklist and create your own banned keyword list to increase the efficacy of your protection. Easy to set up and an effective way to improve your quality of life. *Features* - Automatically fill and submit complaints to: - Dubai Land Department (Real Estate Violation Complaint; for Whatsapp messages) - Dubai Land Department (Report Malicious Calls) - Du (spam call complaint via form) - Du (spam call complaint via email) - Etisalat (DNCR violation complaint) - Virgin (DNCR violation complaint) - Automatic blocking OR blocking & reporting as spam new Whatsapp contacts based on blacklist from BrokerBuster.com - Blocking messages from new contacts based on defined user keywords - Possibility to check the list of blocked contacts - Customizable auto respond message to blocked/ reported contact - Ability to add your own database - Ability to add individual numbers to the database - Ability to search numbers in the database and report to one of three supported complaint forms - Ability to pre-configure complaint forms *Easy to setup* - Install extension - (Optional) Go to the extension configuration and pre-fill the complaint report and customise the messages for each entity Additional steps if you want to use WhatsApp with the extension: - Open https://web.whatsapp.com/ and log in with your phone - (Optional) Go to extension config and configure auto respond when contact is blocked; - (Optional) Go to extension config and custom keywords, they will be additionally used to block unwanted contacts. NOTE Be aware that the browser sometimes freezes the Whatsapp™ tab which affects the performance of the extension. *Privacy* Broker Buster for Browser has only access to your WhatsApp™ messages from NEW contacts and checks if conversations contain keywords configured by the user and whether the number is in the BB database. This is required for the extension to work properly. Everything happens locally, the data is not processed remotely or sent/ logged to any remote destinations. The extension takes a screenshot of the reported message and attaches it to the "Dubai Land Department - Real Estate Violation Complaint" form. For privacy, the contact list is blurred. *About* Broker Buster is a shield and sword against intrusive real estate brokers. The idea is to provide a constantly updated, free of charge database of real estate brokers involved in telesales. The database is legal, vast and what you do with it is up to you. But we may have a few suggestions! Broker Buster for Browser extension allows you to easily and automatically use this database to filter unwanted calls and messages on WhatsApp™ and quickly report spam phone calls from real estate brokers to authorities and mobile operators. Why? Because we are tired of the flood of unwanted calls/messages from real estate sales agents. Because we are frightened by the amount of data real estate sales agents have on us. Because telesales is illegal. Because we can!

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    15 maja 2024
  • Sprzedawca
    Broker Buster
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
  • Deweloper
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
    Ten deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.


Deweloper oświadczył, że nie będzie zbierać ani używać Twoich danych.

Ten wydawca oświadcza, że Twoje dane

  • nie są sprzedawane osobom trzecim (z wyjątkiem uzasadnionych przypadków)
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celach niezwiązanych z podstawową funkcją produktu,
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celu ustalenia zdolności kredytowej lub udzielania pożyczek.


Jeśli masz pytania, sugestie lub problemy, wejdź na stronę pomocy dla deweloperów


Whatsapp Link


Whatsapp Link for your website. Add a WhatsApp link button on top of the phone number while you browse

twitview thread unroll/reader for twitter


A google chrome extension to read twitter threads in an easier quick and concise manner.

EasyCRM Whats App API(BETA)


Just like Whatsapp web but it gives additional features through which you could talk with your customers and friends easily.



Connecting WhatsApp & monday.com

CG Generate Messages


It generates easy and fast links so you can send automatic messages to your whatsapp with a single click. By Api Whatsapp

NetSpy - Spy Call


FSpy Call. Track on Text Messages

WooNotif CRM


WooNotif CRM is an extension to turn your WhatsApp Web into powerful CRM tool. Manage and organize all chats easier than before.

Venda Delivery


Automatização do seu whatsapp para impulsionar as vendas de delivery

YouTube studio livestreaming chat TTS


This extension reads every message on YouTube live chat when you livestreaming.

ShiftApp: Extra features for WhatsApp


Check multiple WhatsApp images with shift-click

Full Width Image


Constrain a single image in your browser to be full width. Useful for implementing design mocks.

Bottly for WhatsApp™


Add more tools and options for WhatsApp Web for more privacy and reliability.

Whatsapp Link


Whatsapp Link for your website. Add a WhatsApp link button on top of the phone number while you browse

twitview thread unroll/reader for twitter


A google chrome extension to read twitter threads in an easier quick and concise manner.

EasyCRM Whats App API(BETA)


Just like Whatsapp web but it gives additional features through which you could talk with your customers and friends easily.



Connecting WhatsApp & monday.com

CG Generate Messages


It generates easy and fast links so you can send automatic messages to your whatsapp with a single click. By Api Whatsapp

NetSpy - Spy Call


FSpy Call. Track on Text Messages

WooNotif CRM


WooNotif CRM is an extension to turn your WhatsApp Web into powerful CRM tool. Manage and organize all chats easier than before.

Venda Delivery


Automatização do seu whatsapp para impulsionar as vendas de delivery

Aplikacje Google