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A SEO tool to find broken (404) and redirected (301, 307, 308) links in all frames
A simple tool to find broken (404 code) and redirected (301, 307, 308 codes) links in the current page. This tool examines all links in the current page (top frame and all sub-frames) and returns the status code and its meaning for each link. You can optionally ask the extension to check links inside about:blank frame elements are well. All broken links are placed in a separated category for easier detection. Beside each link, there is an inspect button which focuses the link to the center of the page to help to find the links faster. Note that to increase link validation speed, the extension evaluates 5 links simultaneously. Note that you can open the validation UI in a new popup window or as an embedded frame inside the page. Note that this extension also notifies you about the links that are skipped like none HTTP links or mailto links Features: 1. Deep search: search deep inside a website. If this mode is enabled, the extension parses all links of the same domain and extract links from them. 2. Filter: Ignore URLs that match with the user-specified keywords. This way you can increase the searching speed by ignoring particular URLs. 3. Filters to show and hide links with 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX status codes
4,1 de 510 notas
O Google não verifica as avaliações. Saiba mais sobre resultados e avaliações.
- Versão0.3.1
- Atualização23 de fevereiro de 2023
- Oferecido porbalvin.perrie
- Tamanho158KiB
- IdiomasEnglish
- Desenvolvedor
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