The only extension that lets you create awesome bookmarks on your Youtube videos while showing you the best parts of videos.
The only extension that lets you create awesome bookmarks on your Youtube videos while showing you the best part of videos so you don't waste your time seeing non-useful information. Webpage: https://bookmark-it.happydevelopers.co/ Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/miguelcrespo Features: Don't lose moments Press b on any youtube video and make annotations with our well-developed Bookmark Creator component and access them later when you need them with just a click. Access all your bookmark in one place We take UX (User Experience) seriously that's why finding the bookmark you're looking for is as easy as blink no matter if you are returning to a video where you have a saved bookmark or you are using our built-in popup to search across all your saved bookmarks. POWER PACK Sync your bookmarks across all your devices and never lose one With our synchronization feature, we make sure you are never going to lose a moment when you're using Bookmark It and that your bookmarks are going to be available everytime you need them. Don't waste time [IN DEVELOPMENT] [FREE WHILE IN TESTS] With our algorithms we can tell you where the best parts of a video are so you don't waste your time seeing non-useful information (Apply for popular videos across our network). Android Application [IN DEVELOPMENT] Access all your saved bookmarks on your mobile device. UI Customization [IN DEVELOPMENT] Don't like our colors? Make Bookmark It yours by changing all colors to your favorites ones. ABOUT Bookmark It is a Chrome and (soon Firefox) extension that allows you to save the best parts of a video with just the press of a key. Want to give us recommendations or report something? Don't hesitate to contact me at miguel.crespo6@gmail.com
- バージョン1.5.12
- 更新:2023年12月8日
- 提供元Happy Developers
- サイズ680KiB
- 言語English (United States)
- デベロッパー
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