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Email Tracker

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343 support issues

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Darci LaRocque (Agent Tech Mastery)

Mar 7, 2025

where is the full report?

Shobhit Srivastava

Feb 27, 2025

How to track it in Outlook

hi, can you please tell how to track it in Outlook

Fusun Tumsavas

Mar 7, 2025

Hello Shobhit Srivastava

I am writing to you with a language translator. I've been looking for someone with this last name, Srivastava. so when I saw your profile on Facebook I decided to add you and write you this message to see how we can help each other better. I am Mrs. Füsun Tümsavaş, a bank officer here in Istanbul Turkey with ISBANKASI.
I think it's God's wish that I find you now. I am having an important business discussion that I want to share with you and I think you will be interested because it is related to your last name/nationality and you will benefit from it.

The late Mr. Adrián Srivastava, a citizen of your country who was dedicated to the gold business here in Istanbul, had in my bank in 2007 a time deposit for 108 calendar months, valued at US$9,500,000.00 (nine million five hundred US dollars). The due date for this deposit was last year. Unfortunately, Adrián Srivastava was among the fatalities on March 24 of the Covid-19 2020 pandemic in the Ankara province of Turkey.

The management of my bank has not yet found out about his death, I knew because I was his account officer. He did not mention any close relatives/heirs when the account was opened, he was not married and no relatives were found. Last week my bank management had a meeting for a bank verification exercise to note inactive and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that is why I have been looking for a way to handle the situation because if my bank manager finds out about his death, the bank will divert the funds to be shared by their senior managers. So I don't want that to happen. So when I saw your details, I was glad.

I am now seeking your cooperation to present you as the next of kin/heir to the account as you have the same surname and nationality as him and my bank headquarters will release the account to you with my help. There is no risk involved; the transaction will be executed under a legitimate agreement that will protect you from any breach of the law. It is better that we claim the money than allow the Directors of the Bank to take it out and divide it among themselves. I'm not a greedy person, so I suggest we split the funds, 50/50 for you and I respectively. Let me know your opinion on this and please treat this information confidentially. I will give you more details once I receive your urgent reply via my personal email address below.

Mitch Berson

Feb 19, 2025

Email Tracker Down?

've been a loyal user for several years now and love the product!

However, over the past couple of days, the service hasn’t been working for me. I’ve tried a few troubleshooting steps, including removing and reinstalling the extension, clearing cookies and cache in Chrome, and checking the extension permissions, but nothing has resolved the issue. I also noticed that when I try to access the website, it won’t load and keeps timing out.

Is there a known service issue at the moment?

Deevan Kumar

Feb 4, 2025

Email tracker is not working ?

Email tracker is not working ?

Pradnya T

Jan 13, 2025

Extension item currently unavailable getting troubleshooting guide

Not able to enable email tracker


Dec 13, 2024

non funziona più la versione base

Non conosco l'inglese, ma uso il vostro programma base da anni.
oggi mi sono accorta che non funziona più
potete per favore aiutarmi in italiano?


Dec 13, 2024

non funziona più la versione base

cosa devo fare?

Evan Jay Newman

Dec 10, 2024

Mail Tracker reporting false reads

I sent an email this afternoon with 4 people copied. Within five minutes, I had received 52 emails that the email had been opened for the first time. I'm truly hoping mail tracker didn't somehow SEND the email to the contacts that many times considering they are business contacts. I unsubscribed, deleted, and then re-installed the extension. Hopefully this doesn't happen again.

Hans-Peter Frei

Aug 31, 2024

No tracken anymore

My email tracker is not trackeing any more.
Last time it tracked was on Aug. 19, since then no results of tracking new emails
What should I do

Dimitri Favvas

Aug 3, 2024

email tracker not shown as of today

I had free email tracker until yesterday. What has happened since? I have no access anymore to this service,

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