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MYKI Password Manager & Authenticator


131 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung7.000 Nutzer
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MYKI Password Manager Browser Extension

MYKI is a Password Manager and 2FA Authenticator designed with privacy in mind. MYKI takes care of remembering your credentials, auto-filling them in the browser and logging you in with a click, generating unique and complex passwords for each of your accounts as well as handling your two-factor authentication tokens making it your own personal authentication hub. With MYKI’s unique decentralized data storage you and only you own your digital identity. Your credentials and other sensitive information stay with you on all your devices. Additionally, MYKI does not require you to remember a master password. You can unlock your vault using biometric authentication using Android’s biometric authentication, Touch ID on iOS and MacOS as well as Windows Hello on Windows. How Can MYKI Make Your Life Easier: Automatically save and backup your login details Sync your data across all of your devices via a relay server that does not store your data Access your accounts on any device, available on all browsers, mobile devices and computers Increase your productivity by auto-filling your credentials for you Unlock your vault using biometrics Two-Factor Authentication: MYKI doubles as a full-fledged 2FA Authenticator app Securely store and automatically backup your 2FAs Auto-fill your 2FAs in the browser for a seamless experience on the web Easily move your 2FAs to another device using secure backup files Increase your security by setting up 2FA on your accounts Securely Share 2FA with your friends and colleagues Your Secure Vault: Securely store credentials for all of your online accounts Automatically fill login forms Store Login Credentials, Payment Cards, Secure Notes, ID Cards, Membership cards and more Create your own custom categories to securely store the information of your choice Search for anything inside your Vault and keep things organized Unlock your Vault with biometric authentication. No master password required. Easily and securely share login information with others with MYKI’s secure account sharing feature Access Anywhere: Convenient access to your accounts on all your devices including any smartphone, tablet, desktop, laptop and even smartwatch Stay Secure: Generate secure passwords to replace your weak ones and when you sign up to new websites Protect your online accounts with 2FAs and securely store them in your Vault Track and change weak and reused credentials using the Security Dashboard Never worry about leaving your computer unlocked, MYKI can log you out of your accounts remotely. How Does MYKI Secure Your Data: Your login credentials, secure notes, payment cards and any sensitive data you store in your Vault is protected through military grade encryption. Your data is encrypted at rest using AES 256 and everything is end-to-end encrypted while in transit. For more detailed information on how it works under the hood please visit our FAQ: https://myki.com/faq. Not only is all of your data encrypted in your Vault, you are the sole owner of your data as it is not stored on our servers. This “zero-knowledge”, “zero-trust”, decentralized model of data storage removes the risks associated with centralized cloud storage, keep your data away malicious actors Automatically create backup files of your data that can only be decrypted by you Privacy & Security: MYKI is built with Privacy in mind. As such, all users are completely anonymous. In order to better improve and implement relevant features for our user base, we collect some behavioral analytics as part of our Anonymous Data program. Users can opt-out of that program at any time should they decide that they don’t want any data to reach us. We may collect anonymized information which includes but is not limited to: Account type (Personal or Enterprise), Device type and OS version Your usage, which includes successful and unsuccessful login attempts, feature utilization and the number of items you have stored in your Vault. We do not store any identifiable information such as your email address or your name. We do not share any of the collected information with any third-parties You can learn more about how MYKI protects your identity by visiting: https://myki.com/privacy It’s time to take control of your digital identity, MYKI is free to use for personal use with no limitations. It is available on iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Linux as well as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. Get started now, download by visiting: https://myki.com/download If you would like to use MYKI at work to share credentials and 2FA with your colleagues, get started at: https://myki.com/teams

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    2. März 2022
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  • Kein Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich nicht als Händler deklariert. Für Verbraucher in der Europäischen Union gelten die Verbraucherrechte nicht für Verträge, die zwischen dir und diesem Entwickler geschlossen werden.


MYKI Password Manager & Authenticator hat folgende Informationen hinsichtlich der Erhebung und Nutzung deiner Daten offengelegt. Weitere Details findest du in der Datenschutzerklärung des Entwicklers.

MYKI Password Manager & Authenticator verarbeitet Folgendes:

Personenidentifizierbare Informationen
Finanzdaten und Zahlungsinformationen

Dieser Entwickler erklärt, dass deine Daten

  • nicht an Dritte verkauft werden, außer in den genehmigten Anwendungsfällen
  • nicht für Zwecke genutzt oder übertragen werden, die nichts mit der Hauptfunktionalität des Artikels zu tun haben
  • nicht zur Ermittlung der Kreditwürdigkeit oder für Darlehenszwecke verwendet oder übertragen werden


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