Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Animal Crossing Theme

Animal Crossing Theme


128 valoraciones

TemaJuegos y anime10.000 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)

Descripción general

A cute Animal Crossing theme.

This theme brings the world of animal crossing to your chrome browser. Enjoy! Update 5.7.0: I am so sorry everyone! It seems that the 4k image support has ruined normal 1080p support. I have reverted the image back to the original. Unfortunately, chrome doesn't provide support for dynamic image scaling, so I am going to use the smaller image as the default. **NOTE** If you are using a larger monitor and are unhappy with how the image looks, please change the image manually on your "New Tab" page. 1. First, go to chrome://flags/ and disable #customize-chrome-side-panel. That should revert back to your previous background and tab theme. 2. Then you should be able to click on the "Customize this page" button in your home screen and you can select a custom image from there. If you'd like to use the same image that comes with the theme, look up "Video Game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, HD wallpaper PeakPX" on google images and you will see it. Doing it this way will ensure the image always takes up the entirety of the screen. Themes don't natively support stretching to fit the entire screen unfortunately.

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    7 de febrero de 2024
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