Blue Car Racing Game - Chrome Web Store
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Blue Car Racing Game
ErweiterungSpiele51 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


Während Sie sich mit dem blauen Auto auf der Strecke bewegen, fahren Sie weiter, ohne andere Autos im Verkehr zu treffen.

Car racing games are a type of game that attracts the attention of children and adults. A new game that stands out among the games of this genre is Blue Car. As the name suggests, you try to move forward on the race track with a blue car in this racing simulator. Although Blue Car has simple and user-friendly 2D graphics, the dynamics in the game are impressive. The player's primary goal is to reach the highest score by overtaking other cars while driving on the road. But this is not easy at all. You encounter many obstacles as you move along the road. These obstacles can be other racing cars. For this reason, it also offers race game lovers the chance to use their reflexes. While racing with a high score goal, you have to be careful to pass other cars on the road. As your score increases, the number of vehicles on the road and your speed also increase. This ensures that the difficulty level in the game constantly increases. Be careful, as accidents can cause the game to end! Blue Car is an ideal option for those who love racing games. Its simple graphics and understandable gameplay make it suitable for children. The simplicity of the aim of the game allows children to understand the game quickly and have fun playing it for long periods. How To Play Played with A-D Keys. Blue Car Racing Game Features ✓ 2D Environment ✓ Little Graphics ✓ Basic control ✓ Fun Sounds Finally, you can enjoy these game for free (and more requests will be added)! Blue Car Racing Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. Help and Contact Contact with us at and share your thoughts and problems.

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  • Aktualisiert
    1. September 2023
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