BlockP: Blokowanie witryn AI, aplikacji i pornografii - Chrome Web Store
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BlockP: Blokowanie witryn AI, aplikacji i pornografii


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Darmowy program do blokowania porno i produktywności oparty na sztucznej inteligencji w Chrome chroni przed witrynami…

FREE FEATURES BUILT WITH BLOCKER APP ✅ Porn Blocker/ Adult content Blocker ✅AI Powered Blocker ✅Block million+ adult sites ✅Block Apps Websites & adult content(Porn) from your chrome extension ✅Set custom quote for motivation ✅Set custom redirect URL ✅Focus mode to be productive Transform Your Web Experience and Optimize Your Time In a world consumed by digital distractions, where every notification and enticing image pulls you off course, BlockP delivers the power to reclaim your focus, productivity, and mental well-being. BlockP is the ultimate Chrome extension and accompanying Android app designed to combat online distractions, filter harmful content, and promote self-discipline. Unleash your full potential and live distraction-free with BlockP, your path to improved concentration, better health, and increased achievement. Key Features BlockP offers a robust array of features to revolutionize your browsing experience and conquer your digital temptations: Effortless Website and Keyword Blocking: AI Blocked: BlockP is integrated with powerful AI to avoid false positive. Target-Specific Control: Shield yourself from the grip of distracting, time-wasting, or harmful websites with effortless filtering. Block anything from social media platforms to addictive gaming sites by specific URLs. Powerful Keyword Filtering: For ultimate control, go beyond simply blocking websites. BlockP empowers you to target specific keywords; any website containing your identified trigger words will become inaccessible, offering unprecedented defense against distracting content. The Safe Haven of Whitelists Maintain Essential Access: While blocking distractions is vital, maintaining access to critical websites can be equally important. Utilize BlockP's Whitelist feature to ensure certain websites and keywords remain freely accessible for productive or necessary tasks. Redirect Your Distractions: Replace Temptation with Motivation: Choose the power of redirection over simple blocking. When encountering tempting URLs, BlockP's redirect feature kicks in, seamlessly directing you to pages that support your productivity goals – perhaps your to-do list app, educational resources, or a meditation site. Motivational Messages to Conquer Temptation: Personalized Inspiration: When distractions beckon, don't just see a boring "blocked" message. BlockP's custom message feature empowers you to craft personalized motivational quotes and reminders to help you stay strong in challenging moments. Draw on your deepest goals and values for that extra burst of willpower. Accountability, Fortified with Password Protection: Unlock Serious Focus: Take the reins of your productivity seriously with BlockP's password protection feature. Set a strong password and enjoy peace of mind, knowing you can't impulsively unblock and revert to your old procrastination habits. Enlist an Accountability Partner: Fortify your determination and break free from even the most persistent digital vices with an accountability partner who co-manages your password, providing vital encouragement and support. Image and Video Shielding: Reclaim Your Visual Environment: Transcend mere textual distractions – achieve unparalleled focus by blocking images and videos on any website. Say goodbye to attention-grabbing media that undermines your goals. Expand Your Control: BlockP Android App Seamless Cross-Platform Mastery: Take your commitment to a focused internet experience to the next level with BlockP's dedicated Android app (featuring over 500,000 downloads on the Play Store!). Achieve comprehensive control over the apps and websites that tempt you on your mobile device. Target Keywords: -Porn blocker -Websites blocker -Keywords Blocker -BlockP -App blocker -Productivity -Focus -Improve health -Improve concentration Experience the BlockP Difference: Real-World Benefits Laser-Sharp Focus: Wave goodbye to endless distractions and hello to unparalleled focus. Your task management skills will flourish as you're fully present for every job, from school assignments to career-boosting projects. Skyrocketing Productivity: Enjoy the satisfaction of crossing off more tasks than ever. You'll be amazed at your accomplishments when freed from website rabbit holes. Boosted Mental Health: Break free from the draining, anxiety-inducing cycle of procrastination and compulsive website consumption with BlockP as your productivity anchor. Elevated Time Management: Reclaim your schedule and make deliberate choices with your time. Instead of letting online distractions run the show, BlockP puts you in charge. Improved Relationships: Forge deeper connections with friends and loved ones – no longer a hostage to your devices. Achieving Life Goals: Whether it's academic success, professional growth, or a personal challenge, BlockP supports your ambitions by eliminating online obstacles. Healthier Digital Habits: Cultivate more balanced, intentional internet use with BlockP's guidance, contributing to overall well-being.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    9 czerwca 2024
  • Sprzedawca
    NovaFocus pvt ltd
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    Języki: 22
  • Deweloper
    NovaFocus pvt ltd
    769, 1st Main Rd Manasa Layout, Stage I, Kengeri Satellite Town Bengaluru, Karnataka 560060 IN
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
    Ten deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.


Udostępniono podane niżej oświadczenie dotyczące zbierania i używania Twoich danych przez produkt BlockP: Blokowanie witryn AI, aplikacji i pornografii. Więcej szczegółowych informacji znajdziesz w polityce prywatności dewelopera.

BlockP: Blokowanie witryn AI, aplikacji i pornografii obsługuje te dane:

Informacje umożliwiające identyfikację
Informacje dotyczące uwierzytelniania
Prywatna komunikacja
Aktywność użytkownika
Treść witryny

Ten wydawca oświadcza, że Twoje dane

  • nie są sprzedawane osobom trzecim (z wyjątkiem uzasadnionych przypadków)
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celach niezwiązanych z podstawową funkcją produktu,
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celu ustalenia zdolności kredytowej lub udzielania pożyczek.


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