TabIt - BookMarks: Productivity in Access: изображение логотипа

TabIt - BookMarks: Productivity in Access


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Inimitable BookMarks Manager by TabIt

Bookmarks Manager's functionality can shape all of your browser usage experience. Thus, 'TabIt - BookMarks' will make your Google Chrome even more beneficial. It replaces the default manager, available at chrome://bookmarks, with the one, you will actually love to use. You can have some folder to be the default(Home Folder) for you to open and save bookmarks to. There are four options for bookmarks' thumbnails: Default, None, Captured & Branded. Default and Captured thumbnails are usually screenshots of the corresponding web-sites. Benefits of the 'branded' thumbnails are best revealed, when used in a 'Home Folder'. Three different layouts are available: Grid(of thumbnails), List & NarrowList(similar to the one in Chrome 62). 'TabIt - NewTab' comes in two themes - Light & Dark. Sorting can be done in either: Old-to-New, New-to-Old or Alphabetic order + Put-Folders-First option. Available keyboard keys and ShortCuts are intuitive. ONE MORE THING: There is a browser-action dialog window, available through the extension-button, meant to replace a traditional 'star' button to create bookmarks. You can understand its functionality from the illustrations, but it's better to give it a try! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: Functionality of this extension is necessary to the operation of 'TabIt - NewTab', which requires it installed and enabled. TabIt - NewTab: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ***** WHAT TO EXPECT NEXT ***** + Own server-side thumbnails preparation service + Drag&Drop to the TabIt - NewTab + Drag&Drop to the BookmarksTree in a SideBar + ContextMenu for the SideBar + Fixation for custom width of the SideBar + Availability of offline versions of bookmarked pages and files + Better smoothness by animation + Other prettification :) + Your suggestions? ***** DECLARED PERMISSIONS ***** UPDATES ***** Please, see detailed information about this extension here:

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    14 июля 2019 г.
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