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Organize your web research and save time with SlashyNote! Supports all web activities from personal projects to professional research. Organize essential information from the flood of data to maximize productivity! 🚀Key Features🚀 🗂️ Auto-organize Visited Webpages → We organize all webpages into card format. Archive irrelevant pages to focus on your research. 💾 Add to Highlight & Media → Save important text by highlighting. Store images and videos for easy reference. 📝 Page-specific Memo → Freely record your personal thoughts or additional information on each page card. ✨ Ask AI to summarize → AI automatically summarizes saved webpage content, allowing you to quickly understand long documents or complex information. © 2024 Slashy. All rights reserved.
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- 승인된 사용 사례를 제외하고 서드 파티에 판매하지 않음
- 항목의 핵심 기능과 관련 없는 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음
- 신용도 판단 또는 대출 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음