Bladwijzercontrole - Verwijder oude links - Chrome Web Store
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Bladwijzercontrole - Verwijder oude links

182 beoordelingen

ExtensieFunctionaliteit en UI30.000 gebruikers
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Clean up bookmarks from junk. Batch check your bookmarks to find duplicates and broken bookmark links.

Every day we surf the web. Dozens or hundreds of sites. Some we already know, some we don't... if they are interesting, we bookmark them. Convenient. But after a while we find ourselves with hundreds of bookmarks, and as time goes by some sites you bookmarked, well... died :( So frustrating when you click on a bookmark, expect a site to pop up, but all you get is "404, Page Not Found"! To stay organized check your bookmarks regularly : so you can keep track of your topics and update the bookmarks that are no longer valid. With this extension it is quick and simple : batch check your bookmarks, review them, and delete the bookmarks that are no longer valid. You can also check if there are duplicated bookmarks (bookmarks that point to the same URL). Here is how it goes : at first your bookmarks are "unchecked" (symbol : empty circle). Click on the empty circle next to CHECK ALL to start scanning your bookmarks (click again if you want to stop) : your bookmarks statuses will change to "success" (symbol : green circle with checkmark) or "timeout" (symbol : black circle with clock) or "error" (symbol : red circle with cross). MENU CHECK ALL : batch check your (unchecked|timeout|error) bookmarks DELETE ALL : delete your (timeout|error) bookmarks. WARNING : NO UNDO VIEW/HIDE : when working on hundreds of bookmarks or more it is handy to wiew or hide (unchecked|success|timeout|error) only the bookmarks you need to focus on. TIMEOUT : the time each bookmark request has to wait before it is tagged as "timeout". Set this parameter to 1 second and the scan will fly... but many sites won't have enough time to respond. You can also click on the status icon on a single bookmark instead of batch checking all your bookmarks. NOTES When a bookmark is tagged as "error", there is actually no way to tell what is really going on with the site's server... but it is highly probable that your bookmark's link is dead forever. Bookmarks that get a "timeout" status should be treated with caution, even with a 60 seconds delay... never getting a response does not mean nobody is listening. This extension is not a bookmark manager : you will not be able to add, edit, reorganize bookmarks. Use Chrome's built-in Bookmarks Manager instead. Made with ❤️ by BrowseCraft gang. Stand with Ukraine 💙💛.

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arieble13 jul 2021

Werkt prima! Wat ik nog mis, is dat ik 1 of meer folders met bookmarks kan selecteren om te checken.

2 van 2 vonden dit nuttig


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    25 mei 2024
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