Black Menu for Google™ - Chrome Web Store
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Black Menu for Google™

3800 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung200.000 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Der einfachste Zugriff auf das Google Universum.

Black Menu for Google gives you quick access to your favorite Google services with a convenient drop-down menu that lets you use Search, Google+, Translate, and many others without leaving the page you’re on. Click on menu items to get a small windowed preview or click on the open in new button on the right to open them in a new tab. Customize the menu by pointing at ‘Add’ and dragging/clicking the services you want from a comprehensive list of services. To remove services, drag them to the right to remove them. Access these and more with Black Menu for Google: Google Search. Quickly search the web or switch tabs to search for images, books, news, etc.—all within the mini window. Google+. Share the current page, or check your latest Google notifications. Navigate all of Google+ as you would on a mobile device. Google Translate. Type or paste text into the box to get a quick translation for that comment you received in a foreign language. View your translate history and save your favorite ones. Google Maps. Find the next restaurant to try out by using the mini map that has search, Street View, and layers for satellite, traffic, public transport and cycling. YouTube. Watch popular videos or those recommended to you. Do a search and filter the results to find that one video you wanted to share. Sign in to find useful shortcuts at the bottom. Google News. Read top news from your locale or any country you choose. Also browse sections like World, Business, Sci/Tech and Entertainment. Use search to find news about any topic. Gmail. Get a full-featured Gmail inbox to check or send mail from. Reply to colleagues, edit labels, forward emails, or archive them—do almost everything Gmail can do right from the menu. Google Drive. Browse folders or search for files in a nice familiar layout. View your documents as a list or see images in a grid view. Click the add button to upload files or make new ones. Google Calendar. See your upcoming events summarized in a list. Toggle which calendars you’d like to see from the side drawer or just search for specific events. Google Keep. Create lists, reminders, or paste snippets from the web. All your notes are here, including archived ones. Organize and rearrange them as you want. Apps page. Access shortcuts to common (and obscure) Google websites like Google Contacts, Google Groups, Google Art Project, Google Follow Your World and 450+ more! Right click the Black Menu icon to send me feedback, suggestions, or to report a problem.

4,6 von 53800 Bewertungen

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Harry Hurtig15.03.2023

Ladezeiten gehen oft ins Unendliche

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Byron Fröhlich19.04.2019

Sehr nützliches Tool um auf alle Google Dienste von überall aus Zugriff zu haben.

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
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M. Fuhrmann11.01.2019

Sehr cooles und vor allem praktisches Addon, alle Google Addon stehen sofort zur Verfügung auch unter anderen Suchmaschinen.

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich


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    22. Juli 2024
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