Black and White Theme for Google Chrome - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
صورة شعار "Black and White Theme for Google Chrome"

Black and White Theme for Google Chrome

‫142 تقييمًا

مظهرالمظاهر الداكنة والسوداء8,000 مستخدم
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ملف إعلامي لقطة شاشة 1
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نظرة عامة

The best black and white theme for Google Chrome that simple, clean, beautiful black and doesn't hurt your eyes.

It is an abstract of two solid colors, black and white. Where the black handle the currently open tab, and the white the navigation bar for the inactive tabs. The Chrome theme is coherent as a white paper on a black letter type. The exquisite Black and White is simple and makes the text easier to read. Design Features • BLACK is the active open tab • WHITE is the close tab in the background To learn more go to: If you like, feel free to buy us a coffee! Get the Black and White theme now in your Google Chrome web browser! Don't forget to like & Follow Us: Facebook X Pinterest Instagram YouTube How to add and remove a Chrome theme: 1. On your computer, open Chrome. 2. At the top right, click More and then Settings. 3. Under "Appearance", click Reset to default. You will see the classic Google Chrome theme again. <<< Option feature >>> To protect your eyes at night and to get focus on the video player such as YouTube™. It's recommend to use and install the Turn Off the Lights for YouTube and Beyond

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    24 يناير 2024
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