Small and usefull js-functions to manipulate Dynamics 365 [Dyn365] (online).
Small and usefull js-functions to manipulate Dynamics 365. You can get information about your user, the environment, the activity-storage-capacity and more. Even the oldschool advanced find is there ;). Also you will get the possibility to manipulate some data, but be aware: Use at your own risk. --- We do not collect any of your data. --- Contents of the extension: Area: 'CRM: View': Enabled in Views in Dynamics 365 - '->REST': Open the view-results in REST-Endpoint. Area: 'CRM: Record': Enabled for Records in Dynamics 365 - 'Godmode': Show all fields | No field is required | No field is disabled. - 'SchemaNames': Show all Schemanames of the visible fields on the form. - '->REST': Open in the record REST-Endpoint. - 'Properties': Show the basic properties of a record: CreatedBy and CreatedOn. - 'Reopen': Reopen a closed activity. - 'All Fields': Show all fields of this record and some metadata of them. - 'Test-Data': Populate all required fields with random data - Good for testing and debugging scenarios. Area: 'Info': Open some usefull links or data. Always enabled. - 'Send Link': Open an email with 2 links directing to the current opened record: One for this app and one teammember-friendly link without an appid. - 'Show my User': Open my User-record in Dynamics 365. - 'adv.Find': Open oldschool Advanced Find. - 'User-Data': Show security-relevant information for your systemuser. - 'open JsAPI': Open external link: Official JS API-Documentation Area: 'Admin': Tools to Administrate Dynamics 365. Always enabled. - 'Edit': Pretty oldschool. Open the formeditor of this record in Make.Powerapps. Default Solution. - 'EntityTypeCodes': Show all tables and their ETC. - '#Activities': Count all activities and show them as a table, grouped by year and activitytype. - 'RecordCount': Counts all records from one table. - 'ID': Opens a record with the id only. - 'Copy Roles': Copy BU, Teams, SecurityRoles of one user to another.
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- Version1.23
- Aktualisiert27. Mai 2024
- Größe2.86MiB
- SprachenEnglish (United States)
- EntwicklerWebsite
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