Dualless - For those who don't have dual monitor.
Dualless is a poor man's dual monitor solution. It splits your browser windows into two by just 2 clicks. The ratio can be adjusted according to your needs.You may have a browser window showing on the right that occupy 30% of your screen. Then the rest of space leave to Google+. The extension simulates the environment of dual monitor. Utilize the space for 16:9 monitor Features * Split current browser window into a pair. And resize their position and size according to the ratio specified by user. (3:7,4:6,5:5,6:4,7:3) * Merge splitted browser windows back to a single window , or make it occupy the full screen area. * MacOS X like windows management. When one of the splitted windows got focused, the other in pair will be shown together. They always occupy the whole screen. * Press middle key on split window button will duplicate the current page on other window. * Bookmark management. Relaunch your favior site in a new tab and windows will be splitted in the recorded ratio. The software is released under open source license of GPL 2.0 Changes ====== Releaser 0.4.1 Date: 2023-12-29 * Bug Fix - crash browser during split / merge * Bug Fix - splitted window size is invalid * Changes: Migrated to Extension V3 API Release 0.4 * Added auto maximize mode * After splitted, if one of the window close, the remaining one will be maximized to occupy all the space * Added bookmark support Release 0.3 * Now works with maximized window! * Press middle key on split window button will duplicate the current page on other window. * Vertical split is supported. * Options page is added. User may enable/disable pairing mode(MacOS simulation) * Ubuntu with Unity works better now
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- Wersja0.4.1
- Zaktualizowano29 grudnia 2023
- SprzedawcaBen Lau
- Rozmiar266KiB
- JęzykiEnglish (UK)
- Deweloper
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