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Adam Brown

Dec 10, 2024

Cannot generate PDF that includes images

I have been trying to generate a PDF that includes the images.

1. I am up to date on the plug in, and using Chrome 131.0.6778.109.
2. I also found that I was missing content, but was able to obtain it by increasing the Max Delay value in the settings.
3. In the print dialog I have switched back and forth between do and do not print background images. This impacts file size, but does not include the images in any way.
4. I've tried generating as HTML instead, but have been unable to open the created HTML file, regardless of any other settings that I've tried.
5. I've also tried adding the Chrome extension named D&D Beyond PrettyPrint, but it seems to not have an impact.

Anything else I should try, or is there something I am missing as a step?

David David Katzman

Oct 5, 2024

Can't print the new 2024 Players Handbook


It's worked for all my previous books. This time, every time it gets to the Print screen...it tries to process a Preview but then before the Preview loads and before I can hit the Print button, it just closes abruptly and goes back to the DDB players. Never gives me a chance to print it. I'm running Chrome on Macbook Pro, latest OS. Thanks for your help.

Michael Phillips

Sep 5, 2024

Can not edit the file in Acrobat.

I'm trying to run the pdf through my copy of acrobat so I can OCR the text and then be able to use the text in my pdf text to speech reader but for some reason the pdf can't be edited.

Paul Swanson

Sep 4, 2024

Print Issues

Hi, thanks for the tool and your work. I'm trying to PDF my beyond books and I'm following the chromestore instructions, but having problems. Using Android, what can I do to get the extension working as intended?

Note: Chrome on Android doesn't install extensions so I installed it on Kiwi Browser.
Some details are below. Let me know if you want more information. Thank you.

I'm using:
Samsung Tablet > Android > Kiwi Browser > the extension

I can't get my whole library to print at all books at one time, the process always stalls at 75/95; nothing is generated.

If I go to each book individually, I can generate it chapter by chapter, sometimes the extension prints the chapter formatted as designed, and other times it just does a regular print of the webpage (all the site header/footer etc. outside the book)

Printing chapter by chapter, the print preview displays only 1 blank page, 1 of 1, the single page will print blank; if I press cancel instead of save, I return to print preview, then preview shows/prints the whole chapter.

I don't know if this is intended but the hyperlinks are external, sending me to the dndbeyond website; they do not send me to the relevant page within the PDF. Table of contents on the html output didn't do anything.

I managed to print a whole book by enabling "save as html" and printing that to PDF from Docs, but it's missing many images and maps.


Kyra Bandy

Aug 24, 2024

Books Downloading but "Files Contain No Data"

With everything going on w/ DDB and 2024 I've been trying to save all of the content I own but a few of the books seem to just not be saving. I've tried three times and even checked for updates and restarted my computer to see if that helped, but nothing seems to get these to save correctly. Was wondering if you have any usual tips/tricks that usually fixes this kind of issue. I'll copy the books in question that are giving me a hard time in case that has something to do with it.
>Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
>Curse of Strahd
>D&D vs Rick and Morty
>Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
>Tales from the Yawning Portal
>The Wild Beyond The Witchlight
>Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
>Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Chris Smith

Feb 6, 2024

Page Numbers

Any chance your able to enable the ability to include page numbers?

Joseph Hensley Jr

Feb 3, 2024

Unable to Print Dungeons of Drakkenheim

Good Day,

This extension is amazing and has been a great boon in backing up my D&D Beyond content. As of this message the only title I cannot get to print is Dungeons of Drakkenheim. The same process runs as with other titles, but when the time comes to click the print button it is grayed out, I can see the preview but there is a message overlaid on it that says "Unable to Load Preview" with a link below it to the help page for the browser.

Microsoft Edge Version 121.0.2277.98 (Official build) (64-bit)
(Same on Chrome version Version 121.0.6167.140 (Official Build) (64-bit))
BeyondPrinting Version 0.1.2

Austin Apon

Dec 26, 2023

Stops at 73/82

When trying to download all of the books on the sources page it stops at Checking accesses for books 73/82 every time. I've waiting an hour and tried a handful of times.

Peewy Peabody

Feb 20, 2023

Short explanation for the various Settings?

Hey there! Great extension! But could you maybe add a small tooltip or readme to explain the different settings?

I'm fluent in english, but not entirely sure what some of the settings really do.

Ursula Bound

Jan 26, 2023

Unusual TOC Layout Issue (Spelljammer Academy)

Exporting the "Spelljammer Academy" book only exports part 1 (parts 2-4 are on the TOC, but it's a divided layout not used for any other book as far as I know).

Workaround: just individually printing parts 2-4 to PDF (not a big deal, just letting you know!).

1. "Spelljammer: Adventures in Space" exports correctly--I thought that one's extra-weird TOC would be even trickier!
2. I own every book except "Dragons of Stormwreck Isle" and "Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen." Other than "Spelljammer Academy" and all the sources without TOCs (easy enough to just save as PDF by themselves), all content got exported! Originally, "Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel" didn't work, either, but then it worked my second try--maybe because I had never accessed the book before after I had preordered it?

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