The extension improves your experience on Facebook!
Install the extension and improve your Facebook experience! With this extension in your news feed will appear many interesting and funny posts from our facebook page 'https://www.facebook.com/aplicatiieu/'. Don't forget to RATE US - ★★★★★ ******************************** FAQ ******************************** Q: Do you track/keep any of my personal info? A: Your personal Facebook account info will not be shared or stored anywhere. Q: Does it cost money? A: No. This extension is completely FREE for your enjoyment. Q: I have a suggestion / I found a bug. What should I do? A: Even though we aim for the best, we cannot think of everything. Reporting bugs or suggesting new features is a great way to help the extension to grow better (especially in the early stages). Simply contact us (leave a comment) with a clear explanation of whatever is on your mind, and we'll do our best to see it taken care of.
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- Version0.3.9
- Uppdaterat31 oktober 2017
- Storlek194KiB
- SpråkEnglish
- Utvecklare
- Icke-näringsidkareUtvecklaren har inte angett att den är näringsidkare. Konsumenter i EU bör tänka på att konsumenträttigheter inte gäller för avtal mellan dig och denna utvecklare.
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