Imaginea siglei articolului pentru AutoPause


3 evaluări

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Captură de ecran a elementului media 1

Prezentare generală

Pause other audio and video sources if audio is playing on active tab with automatic resume

Browser extension to pause other audio and video sources if audio is playing on the active tab with automatic resume, fast forward and media controls. Features: - Automatic pause (per tab or new media) - Optional automatic resume - Global Fast forward - ShadowDOM support - Mark tab for automatic resume - Custom media controls for play, pause, next, previous - Shortcut to mark a tab as ignored - Shortcut to rewind media in 30 second increments - Pause media when muted and not visible - Option to mute a tab when media is paused (Allows media switching without tab change using the unmute button) - Ignore other tabs - Mark window for autopause usage - No permission mode :) Code can be viewed at under the MIT license. Optional permissions are used so you can control what gets paused. Security: The extension may ask for access to websites that you add to its options page. This is so the extension can receive media events like "play" "pause" and so it can control the media playbackRate it will also use the audible property of the tab which does not require any permission. On websites that it has permission for where media elements are not added to the pages DOM the extension will insert a local script in the pages context to add it automatically. Fingerprinting: The use of this extension maybe detected by the website you use such as if the media gets paused on Firefox listing:

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    1 februarie 2024
  • Dimensiune
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  • Non-comerciant
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