Battleships Master - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet Battleships Master

Battleships Master

TilläggSpel33 användare
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild


Battleships Master - det ultimata sjöstridsspelet för din webbläsare!

Embark on a perilous voyage across treacherous waters as you hunt down and obliterate hidden ships in a legendary naval showdown! Battleships Master is not your ordinary game — it's a test of wits and strategy, pitting you against a cunning computer opponent in a battle for supremacy on the high seas. With every move, you must outmaneuver your foe and send their fleet plunging to the depths. To commence your journey, strategically position your ships on the game board, ensuring they're well-guarded from enemy fire. Once the action begins, it's a game of cat and mouse as you take turns launching salvos at your adversary's grid. A successful hit will be marked with a triumphant cross, while a miss will be noted with a solemn dot. The classic edition of Battleships Master boasts an arsenal of ships, including 4 single-cell vessels, 3 twin-cell destroyers, 2 triple-cell cruisers, and a mighty 4-cell battleship. Your mission: to decimate the enemy fleet before they send yours to the murky depths below. Prepare for intense naval warfare, where every move could be your last. With strategic foresight and tactical cunning, victory can be yours. Whether you're a seasoned captain or a novice sailor, Battleships Master promises endless excitement and challenge on the high seas. Don't hesitate — install the extension now and plunge into the heart-pounding world of naval combat. Let the battle for supremacy commence!

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    16 mars 2024
  • Erbjudandet kommer från
    Happy Unblocked :-)
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
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