Basket Legends Official™ - Chrome Web Store
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Basket Legends Official™
EstensioneGiochi276 utenti
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Basketball Legends is a popular sports game that allows players to step into the shoes of some of the greatest basketball icons. The game features a fast-paced, arcade-style basketball experience with exaggerated movements and actions. It offers various modes, including quick matches, tournaments, and a two-player option for competitive play. Known for its fun gameplay and cartoonish graphics, Basketball Legends is a hit among fans of both basketball and casual sports games. How to Play In Basketball Legends, players choose from a roster of legendary players and compete in high-intensity basketball matches. The game includes standard basketball rules like scoring, dribbling, and shooting, but with an added flair for dramatic dunks and moves. Each character comes with unique abilities and stats, giving them distinct advantages on the court. Game Controls Arrow Keys: Move the player. X Key: Steal the ball (defense) / Shoot the ball (offense). Z Key: Dash (defense) / Spin move (offense). L Key: Dunk (offense).

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    26 febbraio 2024
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    38 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
    Sito web
  • Non commerciante
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